8 Reasons Why Teenagers Quit School

Teenage is a sensitive period of life. In fact, the reasons for teenagers quit school could be more complex than they actually seem on the outside. The future of your teen depends on their academic performance and their all-around development in these early years. But teens quitting school is a stark reality. Teens deal with depression, anxiety, peer pressure, and many other issues. If left unattended, they can pile up into other major mental health issues that force them to drop out. As a parent, if you are worried about your teen struggling with school or friendships, it could be a smart idea to intervene and help them before they decide to drop out or quit school. If you wish to know some of the major reasons why teens drop out of school, this article is for you.

In This Article

Why Do Teens Drop Out Of School?

Here is a list of the top eight reasons to the question why teens drop out of high school:

1. Alcohol And Substance Abuse:

A lot of teenagers leave school and studies owing to drug addiction and substance abuseiXA harmful pattern of consuming psychoactive substances, such as drugs or alcohol, illicit drugs, or prescription drugs. . Alcohol addiction is also another reason that explains why teenagers drop out of school.

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Frequent alcohol and substance abuse can often lead to the wrong side of the law. As a result, teenagers often find it difficult to come back and continue their studies.

2. Pregnancy:

Alcohol addiction and substance abuse.

Image: IStock

Owing to the lack of parental supervision and emotional security many teenagers experiment with physical intimacy. Teen pregnancy is another major reason that leads to the termination of studies at a tender age.

3. Loss Of Interest:

Some teens may quit studies in order to pursue their passion.

Image: IStock

Some teenagers develop a lack of interest in academics owing to several factors. Wealthy kids from rich families may feel less inclined to complete their studies. Some teens may quit their studies to pursue their passion for art and acting. The lure of fame and money becomes stronger as popular media greatly influences teenagers.

4. Economic Hardship:

In several developing countries, poverty forces a lot of teenagers to drop out of school. At times, teens who are good students and want to pursue higher studies fail to do so because of economic hardship. Financial difficulties may force them to quit education, explore alternative education options, or take up jobs to support their family. However, they will be unable to work and make a living while attending school, so they drop out.

5. Bullying:

Some students are often subjected to bullying at school.

Image: IStock

Many teenagers leave school due to factors that sometimes remain mysterious to teachers or even parents. One such reason can be bullying by peers. Students with physical deformities or lack of abilities are often a subject of bullying at school. Such children develop an inferiority complex and eventually drop out of school. Being bullied constantly at school makes the experience unpleasant, uncomfortable, and at times unsafe, so instead, they choose to drop out to avoid it.

6. Sexual Abuse:

Some teenagers even face sexual molestation by teachers. The victim may find it hard to discuss this with others. Such a traumatic incident can take a toll on their academic performance and may make them quit their studies. They may have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)iXA mental and behavioral disorder resulting from exposure to a traumatic event or experience. and may be triggered by being on school property and seeing that teacher.

7. Special Disorders:

Some children are not handicapped or physically disabled. However, as teenagers they may develop certain disorders like dyslexiaiXA learning disorder that may cause issues with reading and writing, and spelling. or ADHDiXA neurodevelopmental disorder affecting the child's ability to pay attention, control impulses, and manage energy levels. . Teens who are suffering from these conditions often fail to focus on studies. Sometimes, the underlying problem may go undetected both by the teachers and parents, and the teens may face criticism for their poor performance at school. A lack of empathy and an inability to surpass their academic struggles may make them drop out.

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In some instances, children drop out of school due to permanent physical injury as a result of accidents or due to the onset of critical/terminal illness. Once they discontinue, it becomes challenging for them to get back.

8. Family Problems And Violence:

Family conflicts.

Image: IStock

Sometimes, teens end up bearing the brunt of family violence and divorce. Teens from broken families often find it hard to focus on their studies, pursue higher education, and get good employment opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is dropping out of high school a good idea?

Dropping out of high school is not a good idea because dropouts have limited job opportunities and a higher risk of being associated with criminal activities (1). High school dropouts also give little importance to growing in a specific career path. Furthermore, they may miss out on several invaluable and life-reforming experiences in high school.

2. Is dropping out of school Illegal?

In the US, most states require students to attend school till they turn 16. Further, based on state laws, students above 16 may need consent from their legal guardians to drop out of school to avoid potential legal problems (2).

3. What resources are available to help teenagers struggling with school and considering dropping out?

Several resources are available to help teenagers struggling with school and considering dropping out. Start by speaking with your school counselor or seek tutoring services or academic support programs offered by your school or local community organizations. Reach out to community organizations that offer resources for struggling students and utilize online resources like educational websites, virtual tutoring platforms, or interactive learning tools.

4. What alternative education options are available for teenagers who have dropped out of school?

Several alternative education options are available for teenagers who have dropped out of school. Many communities offer adult education programs that provide classes and support for individuals seeking to complete their high school education. Vocational training programs focus on developing specific job-related skills. Numerous online platforms and virtual schools offer accredited courses and programs for students of all ages.

School education is essential to building a foundation for any career. However, media influence, desire to pursue their passion, substance abuse, or bullying can be why teenagers quit school. As a parent, you need to listen to their problems, help them understand the pivotal role of education, and chalk out a way to motivate them to complete their schooling. Try identifying signs of psychological disorders, general health problems, or mental health issues that may be the root cause of poor performance in school and offer practical help or secure them the professional support they may need. Avoid being judgemental, and support your child by addressing their concerns.

Infographic: Common Reasons For Dropping Out Of High School

Teens may consider dropping out of school for various reasons. Therefore, parents, teachers, and community members need to be aware of these issues and work together to support teens in staying and completing their education. The following infographic illustrates some common reasons for teens quitting school.

why do teens drop out of school (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Key Pointers

  • Teenage years can be confusing and troublesome due to hormonal and physical changes.
  • Understanding and providing a safe space for teenagers to confide in can be helpful.
  • Bad habits like substance abuse can hinder teenagers’ progress and are common.
  • External factors like bullying, physical abuse, and economic hardship can negatively affect teenagers’ progress.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. 6 Reasons Why You Should Care About High School Dropout Rates.
  2. Free and compulsory school age requirements.
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