75 Baby Birth Announcement Messages

You have welcomed a beautiful infant at home, and that deserves a grand celebration. We bring you a list of thoughtful and heart-warming baby announcement messages in this post to help you. As parents, you would want to share the news with the world but may not find the right words in such an overwhelming situation. So, you may pick a wonderful message or greeting from our collection, and feel free to express and deliver your pride and joy to your friends and family. The message can also be used as your WhatsApp or Instagram status to let your loved ones know the good news.

In This Article

Baby Birth Announcement Messages

You may be overjoyed to introduce your new family member to everyone on your contact list. So, send these quick messages to your family and friends to spread the word about this exciting news.

  1. Your prayers have contributed massively to safely bringing home our baby. Thank you for all your love.
  1. Greetings! We would be happy if you join us in welcoming and blessing our baby to this world.
  1. The most precious jewels you’ll ever cover around your neck are the arms of your baby. By God’s grace, we welcome our beautiful baby to the world.
  1. Your tiny feet create the biggest footprints in our hearts. – Anonymous

    Newborn footprint baby announcement message

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you- Andrew McMahon
  1. Blessed by God’s grace in one lovable little face.
  1. The wait is finally over! We’re delighted to welcome (baby’s name).
  1. Hello, world! Introducing our bunch of joy (baby’s name).
  1. Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives. – Kartini Diapari-Oengider
  1. My lovely baby has been placed in my arms! I cannot explain this emotion! I am so grateful and blessed!
  1. After nine months and a few days, our wait is over! We’re pleased to welcome our little angel.

Baby Girl Announcement Messages

You are the happiest person to have been blessed with a baby girl, and being a parent to a daughter is a unique experience. You would undoubtedly want the world to know, so we’ve compiled a list of the best announcements for newborn baby girl messages from parents.

  1. From the top of her head to the toes on her feet, our baby girl has made our lives complete.
  1. So lovable and neat and such tiny little feet, our little princess makes our lives complete!
  1. We are blessed with a perfect gift. We need your blessings for our beautiful baby girl!
  1. She may be tiny when it comes to size, but she’s such a cutie pie.
  1. Sweet as chocolate, good as gold, our lovely baby girl, a miracle to hold.
  1. Her ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes. With love and blessings, our family grows

    Newborn's finger and toe print baby announcement messages

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. A star fell from paradise and landed in our arms
    with all of mommy’s cuteness and all of daddy`s charm. We are blessed by the arrival of our little angel.
  1. Our hearts are filled with joy, our lives are filled with love, as we have the baby girl we`ve been dreaming of.
  1. Two tiny hands, two small feet.
    Now our family is complete.
    Welcome our baby girl, and shower your blessings.
  1. Thank heaven for the little princess. Introducing our baby girl who is sweet as sugar and a gift beyond measure.
  1. It’s our happiest moment to announce that a baby girl has arrived in our family. Please keep him in your prayers and shower blessings.
  1. It’s a day of great cheerfulness for us as we introduce our baby girl to the world. This moment is so precious and wonderful.
  1. The heavens rejoiced, and the angels sighed when this darling baby girl arrived.
  1. We will never forget the day she came into our lives. It is with great pleasure that we announce the arrival of the little princess to complete our family.
protip_icon Did you know?
Surprisingly, only 5% of babies are born on their actual due dates (1).
  1. The beautiful things come in small packages, wrapped in joy, filled with goodness, and sent with love. We are proud to announce the arrival of a healthy baby girl.
  1. Our home has expanded by two feet! God answered our prayers and blessed us with a precious little gift. We joyfully announce the birth of our baby girl.
  1. With a heart overflowing with happiness, it’s a little princess!
  1. I am delighted that God saw us worthy to be the father and mother of the most beautiful angel.
  1. On (birth date) and (birth time), we welcome our little princess (baby’s name). Being a parent for the first time is the start of a lifelong journey of happiness and sacrifice. With God’s blessing, we are blessed with a little angel (baby’s name).
  1. Please join us as we welcomed a beautiful new addition to our house, the little princess of this family (baby’s name)
  1. How wonderful life is now she’s in the world. Welcome precious angel.

Baby Boy Announcement Messages

What a joy it is to have a cute little prince as a member of your family. We have prepared the most beautiful messages for an adorable baby boy to double your joy and save you time. With these lovely words, you can spread joy and happiness.

  1. It is a great privilege to be blessed with a healthy, charming baby boy.

    Baby boy birth announcement

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. Our little one came dressed in blue! Please welcome (baby’s name).
  1. Welcome to the world (baby’s name) Son of (mother’s name) and (father’s name) born on (birth date)
  1. My baby boy has stepped into this world, and our lives have taken a turn for the best. Thanking god for blessing us with this bundle of joy
  1. Celebrate with us as we welcome our beautiful baby boy into the world
  1. He finally made his way into my loving arms a couple of hours ago, from the room of my womb to this beautiful world. Welcome, my darling.
  1. We lack the true words to express our heartfelt pleasure at the birth of our baby boy. Celebrate with us and shower your blessings.
  1. Yeah. It’s a bouncing handsome baby boy!
  1. With happiness in my heart, we announce the arrival of our prince charming to this beautiful world.
  1. Oh, joyful day! After carrying you for three long trimesters, I have a life that I now hold in my arms. Welcome to the world, my baby king.
  1. On this special day,
    Please make way with blessings and toy,
    It’s a baby boy
  1. Having a baby boy did fill us with overwhelming happiness. So we want to share some of this happiness with our loved ones, and thus you are welcome to join us and celebrate.
  1. Our Gift from God has finally arrived! And you will be delighted to know that it’s a healthy baby boy. So join us as we celebrate the birth of our child and shower your blessings
  1. Our Gift from God has finally arrived! And you will be delighted to know that it’s a healthy baby boy. So join us as we celebrate the birth of our child and shower your blessings.
  1. We are delighted to announce the arrival of our newest addition to our family, and it’s our little prince charming. Pour your blessings on our little angel.
  1. Our home has grown by two precious feet.
  1. Look who has united us in our lives? It’s a boy! With joy in our hearts, we would like to invite you to our celebrations of our healthy little one.
  1. Our hearts whispered a wish, and God has blessed us with a beautiful gift. We are excited to announce the birth of our baby boy. Join us, and let’s celebrate this joyous occasion.
  1. We are happy to welcome our little one, [baby’s name]. Born on [date] at [place] the baby weighs [weight] pounds and height [height] inches. Kindly join us for the occasion and shower your love.
  1. The prince has arrived! His royal highness [baby’s name] made his debut on [date] in good health. All are welcome to have a glimpse of the little prince as he shifts into his new castle.
  1. We have just been blessed with a baby boy! A new exciting adventure of parenthood starts today.
  1. It’s a baby boy! We are blessed to have the little son-shine of our house.
  1. We are happy to announce this joyous news of our healthy baby boy!
  1. Hey, we welcomed our charming kid (baby’s name) a few hours ago. We are so blessed and excited to share this news with you all.
  1. God has showered us a blessing with a charming little prince just now. Mom and baby are healthy and fine. A journey of parenthood and lots of fun starts today with this bundle of happiness.
  1. Yeah, it’s a boy! After waiting for months, it’s such a pleasure to hold a baby in your arms. It’s a beautiful feeling. We want your blessing for our beautiful baby who just arrived.
  1. Our little miracle has finally made his grand entry into the world of the living

Funny Baby Announcement Messages

If you are looking for a fun way to announce the arrival of your little one, here are the best welcome messages to introduce your little noisemaker to your friends and family.

  1. Welcome our beautiful baby. Having a little one is like suddenly getting the world’s annoying roommate.
  1. We’ll be missing a lot of sleep from today as the battle for mommy’s attention begins.
  1. It’s time to plan night duties for the next few years as we welcome our bouncing baby to mess up things around us. All set for the sleepless night as we welcome our baby hugging tight.

    Parents cherish babies as their greatest gift

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. Butterflies he used to give me inside the womb turned into tiny little feet today.
  1. Finally escaped from the womb to steal parent’s hearts, hugs and kisses. Meet our bundle of energy (baby’s name)
  1. Sleepless nights and nonstop poop, but look at that small face! Meet our little pumpkin and say hello to our little pooper.
  1. We wondered how it would feel to become parents, but now we know everything, including constant pooping and vomiting.
  1. We are glad to inform you of our latest noisemaker and incessant pooper (baby’s name)
  1. We are more than excited as we present to you the most attractive miniature human born on the earth, who escaped the womb on (date of birth) at (time)
  1. We wish to ask for your prayers as we are not only about facing restless nights of noise but also many days of stinking nonstop poop
  1. The struggle and cuddle are real. Meet the cutest member of our family, saying goodbye to the tummy and resting in the arms of daddy and mommy.

Baby Announcement Through Bible Verses

  1. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. – Psalm 139:13
  1. We are proud and excited to share the news of the arrival of (baby’s name)
    Date of Birth:
    Time of Birth
    Weight at Birth:
    Thank you God for all your love and blessings as said Behold, children are a gift of the Lord. – Psalm 127

    Children are a gift from the Lord

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. Blessed with a gorgeous baby girl. Thank you Lord for bringing such a bliss in my life. Every good and perfect gift is from above. – James 1:17
  1. Thank you God for blessing us with a beautiful princess. She is more precious than rubies. None of the things you can desire are to be compared to her. – Proverbs 3:15
  1. I prayed for this child, and Yahweh has given me my petition which I asked of him. – Samuel 1:27.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I make a baby announcement?

You could make a baby announcement in different ways. If you have a small circle of family and close friends, you could share the news on WhatsApp through a pictorial message with a cute baby picture and a beautiful message. However, if there are many people in your circle, you could post it on social media with a message that you are expecting a new member by posting the ultrasound photo or a general picture of a layette, baby clothes, cradle, diapers, pram, etc that signify that you are having a baby.

2. When should I announce my pregnancy on social media?

Many parents choose to announce their pregnancy after the first trimester. However, it is entirely on the parents to decide when to break the news. If you could wait till 12 weeks, you can have a pretty picture of your baby bump to post on social media and announce the news elegantly.

3. How do I announce baby number two?

You can get creative by taking a picture of your first baby holding the message of the arrival of their sibling. You could even take a family picture with customized t-shirts expressing that your family is ready to welcome a new member.

A birth announcement tells those close to you that your child has arrived. When you are creating a birth announcement, include all of the details that the guest or your friends would want to know about your little one. Baby announcement messages can be in prayers, quotations, expressions of gratitude, or a simple baby description. You can now introduce your beautiful newborn to the world at the touch of a button. It’s not daunting to share the joyous news of your baby’s birth. Ensure to match the perfect wording for your baby’s arrival and introduce your beautiful baby in the unique way possible.

Infographic: How To Announce Your Baby’s Birth?

A baby is a blessing and the greatest joy for the parents. Your happiness deserves to be shared with loved ones to get their blessings for the baby. Here’s a guide on announcing their birth with tips on writing a simple announcement with relevant information.

tips on announcing your baby birth (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Check out this Baby Boy Birth Announcement video! Get creative ideas for your special message to share on Facebook & Instagram. Let’s get started!


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  1. Overdue babies; Department of Health State Government of Victoria Australia
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