37 Sweet And Beautiful Poems For 1st Birthday

It feels just like yesterday when you held them for the first time, and they have already turned one! Time flies indeed, but then it leaves beautiful memories to cherish. Celebrate your child’s special day with some sweet first birthday poems. You can weave your experience of parenthood to make a special poem that can talk about your baby’s transition into toddlerhood.

Alternatively, you can take inspiration from our list of birthday poems to express your emotions seamlessly. Of course, your child will not understand its importance now, but going back to their first birthday poem will be a special moment for them once they grow up. So, read on to explore our collection of first birthday poems and rhymes to make their birthday memorable and fun.

In This Article

37 Best 1st Birthday Poems

Through these lovely first birthday poems, express your thoughts, emotions, and experiences that you have felt as parents to a sweet little wonder who is turning one.

1. One Year Older

One year older
One year wiser
One year smarter
One year cuter
One year older
One year jollier
One year nicer
One year sweeter
All these things
You are going to be
On this event
As you turn one
My cute little baby
Happy 1st birthday

2. Like a Shining Star

Like a shining star
Bright and radiant you are
Like the deep blue skies
Calm and soothing are your eyes.
Like a bird on a tree
You make me feel chirpy.
Like a colorful rainbow
Seeds of joy in my heart you sow
Just like how fish need the oceans, blue
I also cannot live without you.
Happy 1st birthday

3. It Seems You Were Born Yesterday

It seems you were born yesterday.
How did you turn one so quickly?
It feels so recent when your parents.
Brought you home as a baby
This makes me realize
Time flies fast, and how
Before you grow up too soon
Let me cuddle you right now.
Happy first birthday

4. Your Untouched Innocence

Your untouched innocence
That lovely blue in your eyes
With my heart, you’ve made
Some very special ties
Your flawless little face
Fingers than tangle with mine
Brings a feel of purity
Which is just so divine
Your unfathomable sounds
Your heart-melting smile
Everything that you do
Makes my life worthwhile
Happy 1st birthday!

5. One Year Is a Small Part

One year is a small part.
Of your life which has just begun
Which we will celebrate with a party
And have lots of fun.
One year is just a fraction.
Of your life, which I hope will be long
Which we will celebrate with presents
A delicious cake and a birthday song
Happy 1st birthday

6. Your Big And Cute Eyes

Your big and cute eyes
Your chubby little nose
You charming and sweet smile
Your curly-burly toes
Your small and soft hands
Your itsy-bitsy feet
Give me all the happiness.
And make my life complete.
You are sweeter than cupcakes
You deserve the best!
Happy first birthday!

7. Although You Are Just One

Although You Are Just One, 1st birthday poem

Image: IStock

Although you are just one
You are already so popular.
Although you are a tiny tot
You look so dapper
Although you are an infant
You are full of grace and poise.
Although you are a baby
You are cuter than most other boys.
Although you are little
You are full of promise.
Let me wish you a happy birthday.
With cute little hugs and kisses.

8. In Just One Year That Has Passed

In just one year that has passed
So much joy we have amassed
In just an year that went by
You won our hearts, little cupcake.
In just one year that has flown
Our fondness for you has grown.
A fantastic year it has been
So much happiness we have seen
All because of you, my dear baby.
You deserve the best birthday party.
Happy first birthday

9. My Facebook Is Full Of Wall Posts

My Facebook is full of wall posts.
Most of my friends have sent me tweets.
My Pinterest is choked with pins.
Clearing my inbox is going to be a feat.
The hall is full of balloons
To celebrate a special event
Everyone I know is reaching out.
To tell me how cute you are
And wishing you a happy birthday.
To my adorable superstar
Happy 1st birthday!

10. Did You Take a Pen To Write

Did you take a pen to write
Your name all over my heart
Did you target my soul?
By becoming a cute little dart
Did you tattoo your name?
All over my spirit
Did you scribble with a pencil?
Over my body bit by bit
You have done something.
To engrave your presence on me.
For I have fallen in love
With the cutest one-year-old baby
Happy first birthday

11. The Way You Gape At Everyone

The way you gape at everyone
The way you try to make sounds
The way you sleep in your crib
The way you try to bounce around
The way you make every moment
Worthy enough for recollections
Cutie pie, we will recall
Your childhood forever
Happy 1st birthday

12. Cutie Pie

Cutie pie
Apple of my eye
Without you
My heart would go dry
Sweetie pie
I will not lie
Without you
I would surely die
Happy first birthday

13. A Year Ago

A year ago
We didn’t know
That you will come
And make our life awesome.
One year changed
Everything drastically
For God gave us
You as our baby
Happy first birthday

14. If There Is Another Way

If There Is Another Way, 1st birthday poem

Image: IStock

If there is another way
To describe your cuteness
I will call it a source
Of all my happiness.
If there are any words
To describe your innocence
I will call it a synonym
Of adorable exuberance.
If there are any means
To describe your allure.
I’d say that your beauty
Is utterly pure.
Happy first birthday!

15. Being One Means Taking Up

Being one means taking up
Lots of responsibility
You will have to make your parents smile
With all your frivolity
You will have to make your guests laugh
As they pull your cheeks
You will have to hear their cute praises
And the baby lingo in which they speak
I wish you luck in the journey of life
Which you are about to embark
You are truly a bundle of joy
The epitome of life’s spark
Happy first birthday.

16. Today You Have Officially Become

Today you have officially become.
The cutest one year old
No baby is more adorable than you.
Is what I have been told
Wearing a cute birthday hat
And holding a piece of cake.
As a sweet birthday boy
A pretty picture you will make.
Happy first birthday

17. You Are So Small And Tiny

You are so small and tiny as such
But the happiness you give is so much
You are so timid and petite
But you have become our heartbeat
You are so tender and coy
But you are a huge bundle of joy
You have turned just a year old
In our lives, you let happiness unfold
Happy first birthday.

18. You Are The Latest Fad

You are the latest fad.
You are the latest craze.
It is your charm that leaves.
Everyone in a daze
You are the one in vogue.
You are the latest obsession.
Even though my dear
You are only one

19. Holding Your Tiny Finger

Holding your tiny finger
Tugging your tender cheeks
Pinching your cute nose
Makes me weak in the knees
Hugging you tight
Looking in your big eyes
Can’t believe you are One
Oh my, how time flies.
Happy 1st birthday.

20. Of Melting My Heart

Of melting my heart
You have the ability
You are well-equipped
To turn me into jelly
Of making my heart soft
You the capacity
And you have the power
To do anything to me
My cutest little one
You will always be
Along with always being
My most adorable bunny
Happy 1st birthday.

21. Baby’s First Birthday

Baby’s First Birthday Poem

Image: IStock

It’s babys first birthday,
A milestone year.
A moment for smiles,
And a few happy tears.

It’s hard to believe.
How fast time has flown.
You started out so small,
But how quickly you’ve grown.

From rolling to sitting,
To a quick little crawl,
To your first tipsy steps,
You have conquered it all.

You’ve had a big year,
And it’s time to celebrate,
So let’s gather around.
Your birthday cake.

Let’s sing Happy Birthday,
And help you make a wish,
And blow out that candle.
With one big swish!

22. A Piece Of My Heart

A piece of my heart
Is in your little body
You have taken
My breath away from me
Every bit of my soul
Is stored in your tiny hands
You move it around to cast
A spell-like a magic wand
Every part of my being
Loves you from head to toe
I wish you all the happiness.
Is all that I want you to know
Happy first birthday.

23. You’re Turning One!

The time has come, and you’re turning one.
Your little life has only just begun.
But it will grow bigger along with you,
And richer with all the amazing things you’ll do!

24. Your Smile Is Infectious

Your smile is infectious.
Your innocence is contagious.
Your charms are magical.
Every garbled word you say is special.
Your actions are super cute.
They lift my spirits like a parachute.
You touch our lives in a special way.
Wish you a very happy first birthday.

25. Enjoy Life While It Is

Enjoy life while it is
All about coo, poo, and boo
Enjoy life while everyone.
Fusses over you
Enjoy life while you can
Do whatever you want.
Enjoy life while even.
A single tooth you can flaunt
Enjoy life while you have
Aged by just one year
Today we all wish you.
A happy 1st birthday, my dear

26. Yesterday You Were a Baby

Yesterday a baby, now today you’re one.
Your toddler years have now begun.

Let’s mark this day with a celebration,
Full of laughter and fun, a real sensation!

And when this day is finally through,
We’ll start planning for the day you turn two!

27. A Box Of Chocolates

A Box Of Chocolates Poem

Image: IStock

A box of chocolates
A pack of candy
A bunch of cookies
Is not enough, you see
Because you are
Sweeter than the sweetest
My little one-year-old
You are simply the best.
Happy 1st birthday

28. Enjoy Your First Birthday

Enjoy your first birthday.
Everyone’s fussing over you.
As you grow older
And become two
Make hay while the sun shines
Enjoy every minute of your party
When you will grow up next year
You might be treated differently
Happy first birthday.

29. An Amazing Year

It has really been an amazing year,
And all the richer because you are here.
Your sweet little coos are now baby talk,
And your wobbly legs are learning to walk.
Your little mouth now holds a toothy grin,
And each time you smile, another heart you win.
So we’re celebrating your special day.
This birthday is the first of many more on the way!

30. You Make Everyone Giggle

You make everyone giggle.
Because you cutely wriggle
You make everyone smile.
Your antics always beguile.
You make us weak in the knees.
You lighten us up with ease.
You are already so smart.
You rule everyone’s heart.
Happy first birthday!

31. First Year Of Your Life

If the first year of your life
Was amazing
Wait till you experience
The remaining
It will be nothing short
Of a roller coaster ride
But you will surely do great.
Making our hearts swell with pride
Happy 1st birthday.

32. For the Birthday Girl

A sweet little girl is turning one,
And she is ready to have some fun.
Dressed in a cute little birthday gown,
Her head is topped with a birthday crown.

A cake and gifts complete the scene,
For this pretty little birthday queen.
Family and friends from far and near,
Gather to wish her another happy year.

33. Mickey Mouse Is Here

Mickey Mouse is here
To wish you a birthday full of cheer
Donald Duck has come
To make your birthday awesome
Goofy is shouting out aloud
That you are kid who will do us proud
Not to forget Scooby-Doo
Who says Scooby dooby doo?
Happy first birthday.

34. For the One-derful Birthday Boy

For the One-derful Birthday Boy Poem

Image: Shutterstock

Have a one-derful 1st birthday, dear boy,
You’ve brought our lives so much joy.
With your sunshine-y grin,
And your cute dimpled chin,
You play our heartstrings like a violin.

Have a one-derful birthday, little guy.
You’re the apple of everyone’s eye.
With your cute little toes,
And your sweet button nose,
You’re the best, and everyone knows!

35. Everyone Isn’t Fortunate

Everyone isn’t fortunate.
To have such a gift.
To get parents like yours.
And a wonderful family.
You are possibly the most.
Blessed one-year-old than can be
You are your parents’ darling daughter.
Who is very lucky
Happy birthday.

36. Our Lily – So Dear

Happy first birthday,
sweet baby of ours,
our hearts and our souls,
you covered with flowers.

Twelve months have passed,
with moments engraved,
our purpose in life,
you instantly paved.

Happy first birthday,
we’re doing our best,
your mommy is tired,
and needs lots of rest.

But everything is perfect,
in our eyes, as you stare,
how to love and live life,
we’ll teach you and share.

Happy first birthday,
just yesterday, it all seems,
you completed our family,
and fulfilled all our dreams.

Remember to live life,
with dignity and grace,
forever our baby,
we’ll kiss and embrace.

Happy first birthday,
our Lily so dear,
our wishes are always with you,
may you have the most beautiful year.

37. I Give You a Hug

I give you a hug
You give me a tug
I give you a smile
To respond, you take a while
With you, I like to cuddle
You return it back with a nuzzle
For you, my bundle of joy
I have brought a toy
To celebrate your birthday
In my own cute way.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is the best time to recite a 1st birthday poem?

Right before cutting the cake, you can recite the poem when everyone is patiently waiting. This is the best time to get the attention of the guests.

2. How do I choose the right 1st birthday poem for my child?

Choose the poem that perfectly encapsulates your excitement and happiness about your child growing up. You may also pick poems that contain glimpses of how you wish your child to be once they grow up.

3. How do I make a 1st birthday poem more personal?

Composing a poem yourself can help make a poem more personal. You may also include special connotations or wishes for your child in the poem.

You might be experiencing a whirlwind of emotions now that your baby has turned one year old. You may want to say a lot, and these 1st birthday poems listed above might help you do so. Because your baby cannot comprehend you at this time, you can produce a video or write down your favorite pick or ideas in a poem for your child to read when they are old enough. It will become a happy and cherished memory for all time. You can express how much your little angel means to you and how they are the center of your universe through these lovely poems and what your desires for them are, how grateful and delighted you are, and so on. You can include their traits like how playful they are and how you want them to maintain their essence as they grow up.

A child’s first birthday is special for every parent. Celebrate your baby’s first birthday with heartfelt wishes and poems! Learn how to express your love and joy with this special video on First Birthday Wishes.

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