85 Elegant Thank You Messages After Funeral

Losing a loved one or a close family member can be one of the toughest times. Hosting a funeral is necessary for grieving the departed soul and gives their near and dear ones another chance to cherish their loved one’s memories. Sending out thank you messages after funeral will let people know that their condolences and wishes are acknowledged and appreciated. But owing to what you’re going through, you may not be able to articulate your thoughts and thankfulness to them.

To help you express your feelings and pay tribute to them for their gesture, we bring you a few ideas on writing thank you messages after a funeral and some sample messages.

In This Article

85 After-Funeral Thank You Messages

When you want to thank your near and dear ones for supporting you during your bereavement, use these messages to express your gratitude.

Thank You Messages After The Funeral

  1. Thank you for your presence in the funeral service. Our whole family appreciates it.

    Heartfelt thank you message after funeral

    Image: IStock

  1. We were so pleased to see you at ____________’s funeral. They would have surely appreciated your presence, and we do the same.
  1. Your presence and help made going through this hard day a tad bit easier, and we appreciate you for that.
  1. Thank you for making such a generous donation. We assure you that it won’t go unnoticed.
  1. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in writing a sympathy letter. Your gesture will always be remembered.
  1. There aren’t enough words to thank you for delivering the eulogy during the funeral service.
  1. I highly appreciate you taking the time out to help plan the funeral. It took a significant burden off my shoulders.
  1. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and reaching out to me after the funeral.
  1. Having you by our side during the funeral brought our family much-needed comfort and solace. Thank you.
  1. Thank you for being by my side all through this challenging day and ensuring that I could say my proper goodbyes.
  1. To know that _________________ was loved so much and will be remembered and missed by so many people gives me a sense of peace and the strength to carry on through the days.
  1. Thank you for sharing your meaningful words and thoughts through the sincere condolence letter. They were very inspiring and lovely.
  1. Thank you for grieving _____________’s death along with us and letting us know that we are not alone during this time.
  1. Thank you for the sympathy card and the bouquet on _______________’s name. Your words helped uplift our spirits and gave us the strength to go through this difficult time.
  1. I want to thank you all for coming and showing your support during my time of despair. Seeing you at the funeral gave me a sense of relief.
  1. Thank you for the support you have shown me during the loss of my loved one. These gestures will never be forgotten.
  1. Thank you for sending over the flowers and the kind note. My family and I appreciate you taking the time for it and attending the funeral.

Thank You Messages Of Condolence

  1. Thank you for the beautiful sympathy flowers and your condolence message. Your words are highly appreciated.
  1. Thank you for your condolences and good wishes during this difficult time.
  1. Your support means so much to us during this time, and _______________ was lucky to have a friend like you in their life.
  1. Our family very much appreciates your warm words of condolence during this time.
  1. Thank you for the flowers that you sent over for the funeral. We appreciate this thoughtful gesture and the warm words of comfort.
  1. Your thoughtful words of condolence have brought me immense comfort during this time of loss and sadness.

    Thoughtful thank you message after funeral

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. During my time of feeling lonely and despaired, your words of condolence and understanding have acted as an anchor for me and kept me going through. Thank you.
  1. My family and I would like to thank you for expressing your condolences and letting us know that we are not alone during this time.
  1. Your condolences are appreciated beyond measure by our family and your taking time out to think of me fills my heart with hope.
  1. Keeping myself sane this challenging time has been a difficult journey, but your kind words of comfort and condolence have given me the strength and the ability to endure this.
  1. After ______________ passed away, I have been feeling very lost lately and not knowing how to deal with the sadness. But your words of encouragement and condolence have helped me find my place back, and I am glad for that.
  1. Your words of condolence have brought me the much-needed support and strength which I did not expect to find so soon. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and being there for me.
  1. Thank you for your kind words of condolence. Knowing that we have such thoughtful friends and family supporting us gives us a sense of relief during this challenging time.
  1. Your thoughtful words of condolence have acted as a source of strength for me during this difficult time, and I am grateful to you for it.
  1. Each person grieves in their own way, and sometimes it might feel like there is no one that understands us. But your wise words of counsel have made me realize that my dearly departed will always be with me in my heart and memories.
  1. Your radiant words and kind gestures have helped me come out of the dark place and showed me a light of hope.
  1. Your note of condolence was received with deep gratitude, and I am grateful for your support and encouragement that helped me go through my difficult days.

Thank You Messages Of Support During Bereavement

  1. It is hard to express how much your kind words of support have meant to me during this difficult time. Thank you for your note.
  1. This thank you message expresses my immense gratitude to you for your support and kindness.
  1. This phase of coping with loss and grief is challenging for us. But the love and support that you have shown mean so much to us. Thank you.
  1. Your sweet words of support give me instant relief when my heart aches and gives me hope for the future.
  1. Your kind words and support towards our heavy hearts make us feel nothing less than blessed to have people like you surrounding us.
  1. Thank you for your supportive words and for lifting up my spirits during this time.
  1. This time of sadness has been a difficult one for us, but reading your supportive notes and words has provided us with the confirmation that people are thinking about us.

    Reading supportive notes provides strength

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. Thank you for not leaving me alone in my sorrow and for being there by my side throughout it all.
  1. Your supportive words have been a source of solace during this difficult time. Thank you.
  1. Your acts of kindness and support have shown us that we are not alone in our sorrow, and for that, we are grateful.
  1. We want you to know that your support has meant more to us than you can imagine.
  1. The passing away of ____________ has left a deep void in our hearts. But your kind thoughts have helped us ease through the pain.
  1. Your support has provided us with a beacon of hope and showed that we are not alone in our loss.
  1. Receiving your supportive note has been a great source of strength for the family, and we are grateful to you for it.
  1. Thank you for your acts of kindness and caring. We are glad to know that such caring people surround us.
  1. Thank you for sharing your sympathy with us during this time. Your consideration of our feelings and emotions offers us unmatched peace and relief.
  1. My gratitude for your support cannot be expressed in words. Thank you for being there to support me.

Thank You For The Sympathy Messages

  1. Thank you for your sympathy during my time of despair and grief.
  1. We highly appreciate you looking out for us during this difficult time and sending over your sympathy messages.
  1. We want to thank you for your sympathy messages and keeping us in your thoughts during such difficult times.
  1. My family and I sincerely appreciate your expression of sympathy and support during this time.
  1. Your kind words of sympathy and support have been a great source of strength for our family, and we are grateful for that.
  1. Thank you for sharing your kind words of sympathy during this difficult time. They have been a great moral support.
  1. Your words of support and sympathy have helped me navigate through my pain, and it is a relief to know that other people have also felt the same way I do, and it will get better.
  1. Your thoughtful words have been a pillar of strength for my family and me during this hard time, and we are grateful to you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
  1. Your soothing words of sympathy and encouragement have acted as twinkling light during this dark time in my life.
  1. My family and I would like to thank you for your unending support and guidance in coping with the loss of our loved one.

    Thank you for the sympathy messages

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. Your words of sympathy were precisely the ones I needed to hear during this time, and I would like to thank you for sharing them.
  1. It has been a difficult time for me in coping with the loss of ______________. But your words have given me hope and the strength to look towards the future.
  1. Your sympathy note has acted as a breath of fresh air for me during this time of sorrow, and I am grateful to you for it.
  1. Reading what you wrote to me makes me feel a bit better and makes my heart ache a little less for the loss I have just experienced.
  1. I appreciate your support during my time of weakness and vulnerability. It has been a potent source of strength.
  1. Going through your sympathy note has made me realize the importance of life and the small moments of joy and happiness we share with our loved ones. Thank you.
  1. Thank you for the moving and supportive note of sympathy. Having someone understand my feelings during this time means the world to me.

Thank You Messages After Death

  1. Thank you for keeping us/me in your thoughts and prayers.
  1. We are very grateful for your sympathy and love during this difficult time.
  1. We/I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your gesture of support.
  1. It’s comforting to know that I have people like you around me.
  1. Thank you for your kind and empathetic thoughts.
  1. Knowing that we have such pure hearts like you that we can hold to is a huge relief during such times.
  1. Thank you for your love and heartfelt condolences.
  1. Thank you for all your help and kindness during our time of loss. We will never forget your kindness.
  1. We were touched when you reached out to us during our tough times.
  1. It was really thoughtful of you to take out the time to express your condolences.
  1. Thank you for the floral arrangement that you sent over. It was very thoughtful.

    Sensitive thank you message

    Image: Shutterstock

  1. Thank you for reaching out with your kind note and words of comfort. It means so much to me.
  1. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
  1. We appreciate your kind words and thoughts, and they will not go unnoticed.
  1.  Thank you for reaching out to me. Your sympathy means a lot to me during this time.
  1. Thank you for standing with me in my grief and for the support that you have provided.
  1. I appreciate all that you have done during the last few days. Having such company and friends during this hard time has been very helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who should you send thank you notes to after a funeral?

Once you’re done with all the funeral rituals and ceremonies, you may send ‘thank you notes’ to your family, friends, and everyone who has attended the funeral ceremony as a gratitude for their presence.

2. When should thank you notes be sent after a funeral?

There is no specific timeframe for sending out “Thank you notes” after the funeral. However, it is best to send these notes as early as possible if you have the time or the strength to do so. People will understand even if you send these notes after a week of the funeral.

3. Do you send out thank you cards after a funeral?

While it may not be necessary for a few, various customs mandate sending thank you notes after a funeral. It is considered good etiquette to show appreciation.

With the help of these thank you messages after the funeral, you can express your gratitude to the people who have been by your side during this difficult time. However, remember that you do not have to reply to every one of them right away. You can give yourself enough time to grieve and take as much time as you need to get back to normal. Your loved ones will always be in your thoughts and prayers, and they would want you to take proper care of them yourself and the ones around you.

Infographic: How To Write A Thank You Note After A Funeral?

When you have people supporting and consoling you during a tragic event, you get the strength to endure this difficult time. So if you want to appreciate their presence and time for being there during the funeral of your loved one, this infographic can help you write a sincere thank-you note by guiding you through the process.

tips for writing post funeral thank you notes (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Finding thoughtful words after a funeral can be difficult. This video features several such messages for condolences. Use them to express your appreciation.

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