1378 Baby Girl Names That Start With Letter J


A few letters are known to have a powerful impact on a baby girl’s life, and one of them is ‘J’. Baby girl names that start with the letter J are associated with the number one, which is one of the most influential and powerful numbers. A name is the first gift you give to your baby girl and choosing the right initial plays a key role in influencing her traits, career options, and point of view in life. Girls with the initial J desire to be in charge, whether it’s from behind the scenes or upfront. These assertive and original-thinking people are always confident about their abilities, making them natural leaders. Girls whose names start with the letter J are also known to have strong personalities with a clear understanding of what is right or wrong. They are honest, sometimes coming off as harsh to others, and may have a hard time forgetting the people who have done them wrong, even if they forgive them. J girls are expressive and can be excellent actors. They can easily pick on the persona, which they wish others to see and believe. Some world-famous actresses whose names begin with J include Jennifer Lawrence, Jenna Ortega, Judy Garland, and Jamie Lee Curtis, to name a few. Furthermore, this letter is also associated with compassion, kindness, wit, and intellect. Also, baby girls with names starting with the letter J are likely to be family oriented and can look for a career that fits around their personal commitments. Jane, Jenny, Julie, Jincy, and Julia are just a few examples of baby girl names starting with the letter J. There are hundreds of other beautiful names with versatile meanings beginning with J and waiting to be discovered. Check them out in the curated list in this post.

heart image Ja Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Me
heart image Jaabili Baby Girl Sign Girl Full moon; Bright; Luminant and radiant full moon
heart image Jaana Baby Girl Sign Girl A sea of bitterness
heart image Jaane Baby Girl Sign Girl A gracious gift of God
heart image Jaasritha Baby Girl Sign Girl Name of the goddess Lakshmi
heart image Jaba Baby Girl Sign Girl Hibiscus
heart image Jabalah Baby Girl Sign Girl Musafh's daughter
heart image Jabarah Baby Girl Sign Girl One who wears a bracelet
heart image Jabb Baby Girl Sign Girl A slim, thin, and slender lady
heart image Jabeen Baby Girl Sign Girl A name of the Ganga river
heart image Jabirah Baby Girl Sign Girl One who consoles others
heart image Jabmen Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman with a big forehead
heart image Jabrayah Baby Girl Sign Girl To love and respect someone
heart image Jacala Baby Girl Sign Girl One who likes the truth and is filled with youth and charm
heart image Jacalyn Baby Girl Sign Girl She who is a supplanter
heart image Jacee Baby Girl Sign Girl Hyacinth flower
heart image Jacelyn Baby Girl Sign Girl One who will be protected by god
heart image Jacelynn Baby Girl Sign Girl Yahweh may protect her
heart image Jacenta Baby Girl Sign Girl Hyacinth flower
heart image Jacey Baby Girl Sign Girl Hyakinthos flower
heart image Jacie Baby Girl Sign Girl She who heals people
heart image Jacinda Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is like the hyacinth flower
heart image Jacinta Baby Girl Sign Girl Hyacinth flower
heart image Jacintha Baby Girl Sign Girl She who smells like a hyacinth flower
heart image Jacinthe Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who smells lovely like a hyacinth flower
heart image Jackeline Baby Girl Sign Girl One whose protector is God
heart image Jackelyn Baby Girl Sign Girl She who believes god is her protector
heart image Jacki Baby Girl Sign Girl Her protector is God
heart image Jackie Baby Girl Sign Girl God is gracious
heart image Jackleen Baby Girl Sign Girl May God be her protector
heart image Jacklin Baby Girl Sign Girl God may protect her
heart image Jacklyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Under god's protection
heart image Jacklynn Baby Girl Sign Girl God is her protector
heart image Jackquelin Baby Girl Sign Girl May God protect her
heart image Jacky Unisex Baby Sign Unisex One who finds God to be gracious
heart image Jaclin Baby Girl Sign Girl God may guard her
heart image Jaclyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Supplanter; May god protect; A variant of Jacqueline; Feminine form of James and Jacob
heart image Jacoba Baby Girl Sign Girl Supplanter; May god protect; A variant of Jacqueline; Feminine form of James and Jacob
heart image Jacobella Baby Girl Sign Girl Feminine form of Jacob; Supplanter.
heart image Jacobina Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who believes in the protection of God
heart image Jacolyn Baby Girl Sign Girl A supplanter
heart image Jacomina Baby Girl Sign Girl May God guard you
heart image Jacqueleen Baby Girl Sign Girl She may be guarded by God
heart image Jacquelin Baby Girl Sign Girl God is protecting her
heart image Jacqueline Baby Girl Sign Girl May God protect
heart image Jacquelle Baby Girl Sign Girl Supplanter; May God protect; A variant of Jacqueline
heart image Jacquelyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Supplanter
heart image Jacquelyne Baby Girl Sign Girl God takes care and protects
heart image Jacquelynn Baby Girl Sign Girl She who is cared and protected by god
heart image Jacquelynne Baby Girl Sign Girl Supplanter; A variation of Jacqueline
heart image Jacquenetta Baby Girl Sign Girl Little Jacques; Supplanter; May God Protect; A variant of Jacqueline
heart image Jacquetta Baby Girl Sign Girl A little one who God may protect
heart image Jacquette Baby Girl Sign Girl A little girl who might be under God's protection
heart image Jacqui Baby Girl Sign Girl A girl who is a supplanter
heart image Jacquie Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who supplants
heart image Jacquilyn Baby Girl Sign Girl She who takes the place of another
heart image Jacquline Baby Girl Sign Girl May God protect; Holder of the heel; Supplanter
heart image Jacqulyn Baby Girl Sign Girl A young woman who takes the place of another
heart image Jacyn Baby Girl Sign Girl A variant of the name Jacin; Trouble
heart image Jacynda Baby Girl Sign Girl A rejuvenated woman
heart image Jacynth Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who looks like a hyacinth flower
heart image Jacynthe Baby Girl Sign Girl She is as pretty as a hyacinth flower
heart image Jada Baby Girl Sign Girl Gift; Precious stone
heart image Jadagrace Baby Girl Sign Girl A combination of Jada, which means beautiful green stone and Grace, which means good will
heart image Jadalyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Beautiful little spirit
heart image Jade Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Precious stone
heart image Jadee Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is pure goodness
heart image Jadelyn Baby Girl Sign Girl A jaded, tired woman
heart image Jadesola Baby Girl Sign Girl Come out into wealth
heart image Jadesolaoluwa Baby Girl Sign Girl One who has come out to the wealth of God
heart image Jadeyn Baby Girl Sign Girl She who is tired
heart image Jadida Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is not used; Fresh; New one
heart image Jadie Baby Girl Sign Girl A form of the name Jade; Green gemstone
heart image Jadira Baby Girl Sign Girl One with green eyes; The gemstone jade
heart image Jadis Baby Girl Sign Girl Apparently created by C.S. Lewis for the character
heart image Jadona Baby Girl Sign Girl One who has been heard by Jehovah
heart image Jadranka Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman named after the Adriatic sea
heart image Jadrien Baby Girl Sign Girl She has eyes the color of the Adriatic sea
heart image Jadwa Baby Girl Sign Girl She is a gift; A present
heart image Jadwiga Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is a war refuge
heart image Jady Baby Girl Sign Girl The jade gemstone; Beautiful green color
heart image Jadzia Baby Girl Sign Girl Diminutive of Jadwiga; The Polish form of Hedwig; Jade
heart image Jae Baby Girl Sign Girl Woman who is like a jay bird
heart image Jae Hwa Baby Girl Sign Girl Respect and beauty; One who is rich and prosperous
heart image Jaeda Baby Girl Sign Girl She is pure goodness
heart image Jaede Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is good and kind
heart image Jaeden Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A thankful person
heart image Jaedyn Unisex Baby Sign Unisex One who will be judged by the God and is thankful
heart image Jaela Baby Girl Sign Girl A mountain goat
heart image Jaeleah Baby Girl Sign Girl One who takes the place of another
heart image Jaeleigh Baby Girl Sign Girl A mountain goat
heart image Jaella Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is prominent
heart image Jaelle Baby Girl Sign Girl A mountain goat
heart image Jaelyn Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is a supplanter
heart image Jaelynn Baby Girl Sign Girl May God protect; Supplanter
heart image Jaen Baby Girl Sign Girl The mercifulness of Yahweh
heart image Jaena Baby Girl Sign Girl The graciousness of Yahweh
heart image Jaenbert Baby Girl Sign Girl The bright follower of God
heart image Jaenette Baby Girl Sign Girl One who knows God's graciousness
heart image Jaetyn Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A gracious person
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Choosing girl names starting with J goes beyond just the phonetic sound and aesthetics. The qualities and traits associated with this letter, like power, loyalty, confidence, and kindness add a unique and influential touch. It is a beginning letter of names of powerful and prominent women in various fields from across the world. Names beginning with the letter J are filled with potential and set the stage for a bright and successful future for your little one. So pick a name from the list and your child will forever be grateful to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the rarest names that start with J?

Jacinta, of Spanish origin and means "hyacinth flower," Jairus, from Hebrew and means "God enlightens," Jocasta is derived from Greek and meaning "violet-colored," Junia, with Latin roots meaning "youthful," and Jex, an English name signifying "peaceful ruler," are uncommon J-starting names.

2. What is the most common girl name that starts with J?

Some common girl names starting with J include Julia, meaning "youthful" or "downy-haired," Jessica, meaning "God beholds" or "God's grace," and Jasmine, meaning "gift from God" or "fragrant flower." The others include Jenna, meaning "white wave" or "fair phantom," and Jade, signifying “precious stone.”

3. What are some cute names starting with the letter J?

Some adorable names beginning with the letter J include Julia, Josephine, Jessica, Jasmine, Jennifer, Jacqueline, Juliana, Jayla, Jordan, Jade, Juliet, and Jane.

4. What are some baby girl names that start with J and have musical connotations?

There are several baby girl names beginning with J that evoke music. Jazlyn merges Jocelyn with jazz, Jolene pays homage to Dolly Parton's iconic song character, Jovie gained popularity from the movie Elf, representing "joyful," and Jubilee signifies "joy" or "celebration."

5. What are some baby girl names that start with J and are related to flowers?

Jasmine, the fragrant flower, and Jolanta, meaning "violet" in Polish, are delightful baby girl names starting with J. Jonquil, a bright yellow flower, and Jacinta, meaning "hyacinth" in Spanish, are also beautiful choices.

6. What are some baby girl names that start with J and have meanings related to love or passion?

Some J-starting baby girl names symbolizing love or passion include Juliet, associated with Shakespeare's play, representing youthfulness and passion; Jasmine, derived from the flower, signifies love, beauty, and grace. Jolie, a French name meaning "pretty" or "beautiful," signifies a passionate nature.

7. What are some baby girl names that start with J and are easy to spell and pronounce?

Jade, Julia, Jasmine, Jenna, Joy, and Josie are some J-starting names that are easy to spell and pronounce.

8. What are some baby girl names that start with J and have meanings related to strength or power?

Jaiyana is a baby girl name that starts with J and means strength in Arabic or Urdu. Jara is another option, derived from Slavic roots, meaning fierce. Both names convey a sense of power and toughness, making them suitable choices for parents seeking strong names for their daughters.

9. What are some baby girl names that start with J and are inspired by famous historical figures?

Josephine, meaning "God will add," was the name of Napoleon Bonaparte's wife. Also, Joan, meaning "God is gracious," was the name born by Joan of Arc, a patron saint and defender of the French nation.

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