2641 Baby Girl Names That Start With Letter M


When you’re choosing a name for your baby girl, it’s important for you to decode the moniker completely. The first letter, especially, can give an insight into the bearer’s approach to life and the overall personality. Below we discuss how names starting with the letter M can affect a baby girl’s destiny.
M is an optimistic and happy letter with strong creative vibrations. Girls with this letter are hardworking, loyal, and sociable with high moral ethics and traditional values. So this letter will influence your baby daughter to be happy and cheerful and have a great love for hearth and home.
The M girls have a great deal of self-confidence and are highly likely to achieve success in whatever they do. These work oriented people are cautious, and do not jump into anything impulsively. They think about things thoroughly and plan for everything beforehand. And their judgment is always based on their value system, not under anyone's influence.
These wonderful personality traits shouldn’t be the only reason to give your daughter a name with M. This letter is also parent to some beautiful baby girl names, such as Molly, Mabel, Melissa and more. You’ll find all these and many more hidden gems in MomJunction's list below.

heart image Ma Baby Girl Sign Girl The heights
heart image Maab Baby Girl Sign Girl A beautiful place or person to return to
heart image Maahi Baby Girl Sign Girl Love; Adoration
heart image Maahjabeen Baby Girl Sign Girl She carries the Moon on her forhead
heart image Maahnoor Baby Girl Sign Girl The Moon's glow
heart image Maaike Baby Girl Sign Girl Wished for child; Sea of bitterness; To swell; Diminutive of Maria; As Mary
heart image Maajida Baby Girl Sign Girl A glorious woman of power
heart image Maali Baby Girl Sign Girl To be blessed; Sanctified
heart image Maamouna Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman on who you can depend
heart image Maamuna Baby Girl Sign Girl A thrustworthy and loyal woman
heart image Maanasa Baby Girl Sign Girl The unity of the mind and the soul
heart image Maanasi Baby Girl Sign Girl A sound minded woman
heart image Maanika Baby Girl Sign Girl A red coloured jewel, The ruby
heart image Maardava Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A gentle and tender feeling
heart image Maaria Baby Girl Sign Girl The Sea of sorrow
heart image Maariah Baby Girl Sign Girl A sea of bitternes and sorrow
heart image Maarib Baby Girl Sign Girl End goals
heart image Maarit Baby Girl Sign Girl Pearl; A variation of the name Margaret
heart image Maarja Baby Girl Sign Girl Form of Maria; Sea of bitterness
heart image Maartje Baby Girl Sign Girl Woman with aggressive personality
heart image Maasma Baby Girl Sign Girl An innocent and honorable person
heart image Maassama Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is pure hearted and generous
heart image Maayan Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Fresh as a spring of water
heart image Mab Baby Girl Sign Girl A girl of high spirits; A happy person
heart image Mabel Baby Girl Sign Girl Lovely
heart image Mabella Baby Girl Sign Girl Lovely; To love; My beautiful one; A variant of Mabel
heart image Mabelle Baby Girl Sign Girl My beautiful one
heart image Mabil Baby Girl Sign Girl A lovely one
heart image Mabila Baby Girl Sign Girl A noble and honorable one
heart image Mabile Baby Girl Sign Girl The lovable one
heart image Mabilia Baby Girl Sign Girl Adorable and lovable one
heart image Mabilie Baby Girl Sign Girl Amiable and adorable person
heart image Mabill Baby Girl Sign Girl Star of the sea; beloved one
heart image Mabilla Baby Girl Sign Girl Amable one
heart image Mabillae Baby Girl Sign Girl A girl who is easy to love and admire
heart image Mabillia Baby Girl Sign Girl The one who is loved and admired
heart image Mable Baby Girl Sign Girl The lovable one
heart image Mabley Baby Girl Sign Girl A sweet and amirable person
heart image Mabli Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is admired and loved
heart image Mably Baby Girl Sign Girl Delightful; Loved one
heart image Mabota Baby Girl Sign Girl Infinite; Endless
heart image Mabrooka Baby Girl Sign Girl A blessed and prosperous girl
heart image Mabrouka Baby Girl Sign Girl A lucky girl
heart image Mabruka Baby Girl Sign Girl One who has been blessed
heart image Mabrura Baby Girl Sign Girl A pious girl or woman who is accepted by Allah
heart image Mabry Baby Girl Sign Girl A divine and blessed one
heart image Mabyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Young and youthful girl
heart image Maca Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who is happy and cultured
heart image Macara Baby Girl Sign Girl One who brings joy and happiness
heart image Macarena Baby Girl Sign Girl The blessed one
heart image Macaria Baby Girl Sign Girl Blessed
heart image Macayla Baby Girl Sign Girl A gift of God
heart image Macayle Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is God like
heart image Macca Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Common nickname in English speaking countries for someone whose surname begins with Mac or Mc; Son of
heart image Macella Baby Girl Sign Girl She who is warlike
heart image Macen Baby Girl Sign Girl Worker in Stone
heart image Macey Baby Girl Sign Girl Person from Massy, France
heart image Macha Baby Girl Sign Girl A plain
heart image Machara Baby Girl Sign Girl Plain
heart image Machele Baby Girl Sign Girl She who comes from the plains
heart image Machell Baby Girl Sign Girl Which is like God
heart image Machelle Baby Girl Sign Girl Who is like God?
heart image Machie Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Replacement of a lost gem
heart image Machiko Baby Girl Sign Girl A fortunate child
heart image Machla Baby Girl Sign Girl Affliction
heart image Machupa Baby Girl Sign Girl One who likes to drink
heart image Maci Baby Girl Sign Girl Gift of God
heart image Macia Baby Girl Sign Girl A sea of bitterness
heart image Macie Baby Girl Sign Girl Gift of God
heart image Mackayla Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is like God
heart image Mackenna Baby Girl Sign Girl Fiery love; Born from fire
heart image Mackenzington Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who is kind and warm hearted
heart image Maconaquea Baby Girl Sign Girl A captive white one
heart image Macrina Baby Girl Sign Girl She who is growing
heart image Mactilda Baby Girl Sign Girl Strength in battle; Variant of the name Matilda
heart image Mactildis Baby Girl Sign Girl Strength in battle; Variant of the name Matilda
heart image Macy Baby Girl Sign Girl Hill
heart image Macyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Mason; Stone worker; Maker
heart image Madailein Baby Girl Sign Girl Magnificent one
heart image Madalen Baby Girl Sign Girl Girl from the tower
heart image Madalena Baby Girl Sign Girl Of Magdala
heart image Madalene Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman from Magda
heart image Madalie Baby Girl Sign Girl From Madeline; Tower
heart image Madalina Baby Girl Sign Girl Of Magdala; A place name that means tower
heart image Madaline Baby Girl Sign Girl A place name; From Magdala a village in Galilee
heart image Madalitso Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A blessed person
heart image Madalyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Tower
heart image Madalynn Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is from a tower
heart image Madana Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who heals people
heart image Madaniya Baby Girl Sign Girl A polished, urbane girl
heart image Madaya Baby Girl Sign Girl A small mountain town in Syria
heart image Maddalen Baby Girl Sign Girl Magnificent; A form of Magdalene
heart image Maddalena Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who comes from the tower
heart image Maddalene Baby Girl Sign Girl Magnificent; A form of Magdalene
heart image Maddalina Baby Girl Sign Girl One from the tower
heart image Maddalyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Girl from a tower
heart image Maddelena Baby Girl Sign Girl A person from Madala, a town whose name means tower
heart image Madden Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Dog; Hound
heart image Maddie Baby Girl Sign Girl Of Magdala; Son of Maud
heart image Maddy Baby Girl Sign Girl Of Magdala
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Infographic: Meaningful Baby Girl Names With Letter M

Given the varied options and themes for names, choosing a perfect name for your baby girl can be challenging. However, naming your child starting with a certain letter has always been in trend, especially if both parents have the same starting letter. Explore the infographic below for some unique naming suggestions starting with ‘M.’

unique and beautiful girl names starting with m (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Islamic name of a baby girl starting with M?

One of the Islamic names for a baby girl starting with the letter "M" is "Mariam" (Maryam). It is the Arabic version of the name Mary and holds great significance in Islam as the name of the mother of Prophet Jesus (Isa). Maha is an Arabic name for girls that means ‘oryx,’ representing the beauty of an antelope. Mira is another name that means ‘peaceful’ or ‘beautiful.’

2. What is the meaning of the name "Madison"?

Madison is a popular unisex name derived from an English surname meaning ‘son of Maud.’ Incidentally, Maud is a French and English feminine form of the name Matilda, which is derived from the Germanic name Mahthilt, implying ‘strength in battle.’

3. What are some baby girl names that start with the letter "M" and have a connection to pop culture or media?

One popular name is Mia, which gained recognition from the character Mia Thermopolis in the book series and film adaptation of "The Princess Diaries." Another notable name is Matilda, inspired by the beloved character Matilda Wormwood from Roald Dahl's novel and the subsequent film adaptation. Madonna is another name for a singer who is a highly influential and iconic pop singer known for her innovative music.

4. What are some baby girl names that start with the letter "M" and have a historical significance?

Marie is of French origin and has historical significance as the name of several important figures, including Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France. Margaret has historical significance as it has been borne by several queens and influential figures throughout history, such as Margaret of Anjou, who was Queen Consort of England in the 15th century (1). A timeless name with significant historical and religious importance, Mary is associated with figures including Mary, the mother of Jesus.

5. What are some baby girl names that start with the letter "M" and are becoming more popular in recent years?

Among the long list of possible names for baby girls, Mia meaning ‘moon,’ Mila meaning ‘miracles,’ Maya meaning ‘magic,’ and Millie meaning ‘gentle strength’ are names that are growing in their popularity over the years.


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