977 African Baby Names With Meanings


Africa is home to diverse tribes and ethnic groups. African baby names often reflect the uniqueness of these tribes and their culture. Africa is exceptionally rich in terms of linguistic diversity, with over 1000 to 2000 African languages spread all over the continent. It harbors almost one-third of the world’s languages (1). Derived from local and foreign languages such as English, French, Arabic, and Portuguese, African names are exotic and beautiful, not just in meaning and appearance, but also in origin. In Africa, the naming ceremony is regarded as one of the most important events in a person’s life. A naming ceremony is perceived as a form of introduction and the announcement of the arrival of the baby to the extended family and to the community as a whole. Naming ceremonies in Africa differ from region to region. In Yoruba, the child is named on the eighth day after birth and the happenings concerning the child’s birth influence the name. In Ghana, the Akan naming ceremony also follows a similar pattern. The baby is named on the eighth day after birth to ensure that the child is not leaving the mortal world untimely. It is a common practice in Ghana for babies to be named after the day they were born. In Kenya, the tradition is to name the baby on the third day after their birth. During this auspicious occasion, the parents offer a goat or a bull as a symbolic gesture of devotion and gratitude to the ancestral spirits. African children are traditionally named after places, spirits, ancestors, or events occurring during the time of their birth. Africans believe that a name can influence both the life of the child and the family. A simple name will lead to a disappointing future, and an over-ambitious name could cause serious repercussions. In some African countries, parents name their children after famous political figures, hoping that their kids would be as successful as their namesakes. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Barack is one of the most popular names in Africa. Below is our collection of African names derived from native and foreign languages.

heart image Aasir Baby Boy Sign Boy One with a captivating and fascinating personality
heart image Aba Baby Girl Sign Girl African Akan - Girl born on Tuesday
heart image Abana Baby Girl Sign Girl This Biblical name means strong personality made with a stone
heart image Abbo Baby Boy Sign Boy A Condiment (Mudama Origin)
heart image Abdalah Baby Boy Sign Boy the Servant of god
heart image Abdalala Baby Boy Sign Boy the Slave of the High
heart image Abdalalim Baby Boy Sign Boy the Servant of the All-knowing
heart image Abdalla Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant Of God; Servant of Allah
heart image Abdi Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of god; A slave
heart image Abdou Baby Boy Sign Boy Great ability to focus on each work; variant of name Abdo
heart image Abdu Baby Boy Sign Boy Worshipper of God
heart image Abdul muiz Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of giver of glory and almighty
heart image Abdulkareem Baby Boy Sign Boy Generous; One who Serves a Generous Man; Servant of Allah
heart image Abdulkhaaliq Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Creator
heart image Abdullateef Baby Boy Sign Boy One who Serves a Kind Man; Servant of the Subtle
heart image Abdulmateen Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Firm; Strong
heart image Abdulraheem Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Most Compassionate
heart image Abdulrahmaan Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
heart image Abdulraouf Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Most Merciful
heart image Abdulrazaaq Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Maintainer; Provider
heart image Abdulsaboor Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Patient
heart image Abdultawaab Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Forgiver
heart image Abdulwaahid Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the One
heart image Abdulwahaab Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of the Giver
heart image Abeba Baby Girl Sign Girl Flower; Abeada and Abyda are variant transcriptions of the name
heart image Abedi Baby Boy Sign Boy Worshipper
heart image Abeer Baby Boy Sign Boy Variant of Abir; Fragrance
heart image Abena Baby Girl Sign Girl African Akan - Girl born on Tuesday
heart image Abeni Baby Girl Sign Girl We asked for her, now she is ours; Someone who is prayed for; A variant of name Abena
heart image Abiba Baby Girl Sign Girl The first child born after death of grandmother; Abeaba and Abeabah are the variant spellings of Abiba
heart image Abiola Baby Boy Sign Boy Born in Honor; Born during the first days
heart image Abiona Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is born during a journey
heart image Abioye Baby Boy Sign Boy The son of royalty; A Variant of Abiola
heart image Abla Baby Girl Sign Girl Girl born on Tuesday; Has an Arabic meaning as voluptuous
heart image Abraha Baby Girl Sign Girl A girl who is born on Tuesday
heart image Absco Baby Girl Sign Girl One with an inventive mind
heart image Absko Baby Boy Sign Boy Power and strength
heart image Abuchi Baby Boy Sign Boy A Nobel God or the nobility of a God
heart image Abulmughayyis Baby Boy Sign Boy The father of one who saves others
heart image Abuya Baby Girl Sign Girl One who was born when the garden was overgrown
heart image Achebe Unisex Baby Sign Unisex One who is protected by the Goddess
heart image Achieng Baby Girl Sign Girl One born during the day time
heart image Adabelle Baby Girl Sign Girl Adornment; Noble; Oldest daughter
heart image Adaeh Baby Girl Sign Girl Crowned; Chosen; Pinnacle of a peak
heart image Adamma Baby Girl Sign Girl Child of Beauty; Beautiful Girl
heart image Adana Baby Girl Sign Girl Being the father's daughter; A variant of name Adanna
heart image Adanna Baby Girl Sign Girl Eldest daughter of father
heart image Adanne Baby Girl Sign Girl Being the mother's daughter; A child who resembles her mother; A variant of name Adane
heart image Addiah Baby Girl Sign Girl Ornament of God; Gift from God
heart image Addo Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Ornament; King of the path (African)
heart image Ade Baby Boy Sign Boy Crown; Royal; Peak; Man
heart image Adeben Baby Boy Sign Boy 12th born child; African Akan
heart image Adebola Baby Girl Sign Girl Honor is brought to her; She met honor
heart image Adebowale Baby Boy Sign Boy Return of the crown; A child born after many years of waiting
heart image Ademola Baby Boy Sign Boy Crown is Added to My Wealth
heart image Adenike Baby Girl Sign Girl The Crown is Loving; Affectionate; Crown has care; Wealth has Care; Crown is cherished
heart image Adeola Baby Girl Sign Girl Crown of wealth
heart image Adetokunbo Baby Boy Sign Boy A Nigerian name of Yoruba descent in which the word Ade means crown
heart image Adhiambo Baby Girl Sign Girl A daughter who is born after sunset
heart image Adhra Baby Girl Sign Girl Apology; Virgin
heart image Adiel Baby Boy Sign Boy Ornament of God
heart image Adila Baby Girl Sign Girl Equal; Just; Upright; Honest
heart image Adilah Baby Girl Sign Girl Equal
heart image Adisa Baby Boy Sign Boy Clear spoken person
heart image Adita Baby Girl Sign Girl One who belongs to the Sun
heart image Adjoa Baby Girl Sign Girl Born on Monday; A daughter who is born on Monday
heart image Adom Baby Boy Sign Boy Help from God
heart image Adongo Baby Girl Sign Girl The second of twins
heart image Adric Baby Boy Sign Boy one who is a blessed ruler
heart image Adwin Unisex Baby Sign Unisex An artist or creative person
heart image Adwoa Baby Girl Sign Girl One born on a Monday
heart image Afe Baby Boy Sign Boy A Boy who is born on Friday
heart image Affrica Baby Girl Sign Girl From Africa
heart image Afi Baby Girl Sign Girl A child who is born on Friday; A daughter who is born on Friday
heart image Afia Baby Girl Sign Girl A child who is born on Friday; A daughter who is born on Friday
heart image Afiya Baby Girl Sign Girl Health
heart image Afolabi Baby Boy Sign Boy Child of high status; Born rich and with luxury
heart image Afra Baby Girl Sign Girl Whitish red
heart image Afram Baby Boy Sign Boy A River In Ghana, Africa
heart image Africa Baby Boy Sign Boy Pleasant; Sun; Without cold
heart image Afua Baby Girl Sign Girl A child who is born on Friday; A daughter who is born on Friday
heart image Agu Baby Boy Sign Boy Leopard; One who has agility and strength of a leopard
heart image Ahanti Unisex Baby Sign Unisex War-like
heart image Ahnika Baby Girl Sign Girl Ruler of the house, Beautiful ornament
heart image Aiysha Baby Girl Sign Girl Powerful; Complete
heart image Ajahni Baby Boy Sign Boy One who fights for possession; Noble birth; A variant of name Ajani
heart image Ajaka Baby Boy Sign Boy An Oyo emperor who was twice on the throne
heart image Ajala Baby Boy Sign Boy Believer of Allah; Eternal
heart image Ajani Baby Boy Sign Boy One who fights for possession; Noble birth; A variant of name Ajahni
heart image Akachi Baby Boy Sign Boy The hand of God in the African language
heart image Akello Baby Girl Sign Girl Baby girl born after twins
heart image Akeyo Baby Girl Sign Girl One who was born during the harvest
heart image Akhyar Baby Boy Sign Boy Good Excellence
heart image Akia Baby Girl Sign Girl Clear sky; Bright sky
heart image Akinyi Baby Girl Sign Girl Born in the morning; Born during forenoon in the African language
heart image Akosua Baby Girl Sign Girl Girl child born on Sunday
heart image Akua Baby Girl Sign Girl A child who is born on Thursday
heart image Akuba Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is born on Wednesday
heart image Akuchi Baby Boy Sign Boy Wealth from God in the African language
heart image Akuji Baby Boy Sign Boy Dead and awake
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some African names that mean royal?

Nigerian baby boy's name Ade means 'royal.' Another name that signifies royalty is Abioye, an African surname meaning 'son of royalty.'

2. What are some African names that signify love?

Several African names signify love. One such name is Rudo, which comes from South Africa and means 'love.' Another name is Femi, which expresses the sentiment 'love me.' Additionally, the name Ife is also associated with love.

3. Which African name represents a star?

Itri and Nthanda are African names that carry the meaning of 'star.' Itri originates from the Tamazight language, while Nthanda originates in the Tumbuka language. Both names eloquently embody the celestial splendor and luminosity that stars possess.

4. What are some African names that signify blessing?

In African cultures, several names carry the beautiful meaning of blessing. For instance, in Igbo, a language spoken in Nigeria, Ngozi signifies 'blessing.' Similarly, Chigozie, another Igbo name, translates to 'God bless.' Moving to Yoruba, also spoken in Nigeria, the name Ibukun conveys 'blessings' or 'an addition.' These African names not only celebrate the concept of blessings but also foster a deep sense of appreciation for the enriching aspects of life.

5. Which African name is associated with hope?

One African name associated with hope is Tumaini. Tumaini is a Swahili name that means 'wish' or 'hope.'

6. Which African name symbolizes freedom?

One African name that symbolizes freedom is Ominira, which originates from the Yoruba language and means 'freedom' or 'independence.' Another name is Uhuru, which comes from Swahili and means 'freedom.'

7. What are some popular African baby names for boys?

African baby names for boys are rich in diversity and hold deep cultural origins. Kofi, originating from the Akan people, signifies 'born on Friday,' emphasizing the importance of the birthday. With its roots in Swahili, Jabari means 'the brave one.’ Kwame, also from the Akan culture, connects the child to the significance of being 'born on Saturday.' Another notable name is Osiris, inspired by Egyptian mythology, which means 'powerful or mighty' (2).

8. What are some African baby names that mean 'peace'?

Kagiso and Alafia are two African baby names that embody the meaning of 'peace.' Kagiso, derived from Tswana, and Alafia, from Yoruba, both carry the significant message of peace and harmony.

9. What are some African baby names that mean 'strength'?

Two African baby names that mean 'strength' are Amari and Mandla. Amari is a lyrical baby girl name that signifies 'possesses great strength.' On the other hand, Mandla, derived from Zulu and Ndebele, means 'strength' and 'power.' These names serve as a wonderful choice for parents seeking a name that reflects the quality of strength of their child.

10. What are some traditional African baby names?

Traditional African baby names carry cultural significance and reflect the diverse heritage of the continent. For example, the name Abidemi, of Yoruba origin, means 'born in the father's absence.' Omari, originating from Swahili, means 'God is exalted.' Makena, from the Kikuyu language in East Africa, signifies a 'happy one,' celebrating joy and contentment. Zola, an African Zulu name, means 'quiet' or 'tranquil,' symbolizing a calm and peaceful nature.


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