288 Native American Baby Names With Meanings


Do you know the common denominator between the Sitting Bull, the Chiefdom organization, and The Last of the Mohicans? It’s the Native Americans. Apart from a rich culture, history, and heritage, they also take pride in their captivating array of Native American baby names, reflecting the beauty and uniqueness of their traditions. These names are derived from the indigenous people inhabiting the North and South America. The Native American naming tradition is dynamic, allowing for earning of new names based on personality. Children are given names reflecting their nature, and, if unsuitable, changed. Adolescents may also change names. Throughout adulthood, new names are awarded by family and society, fostering a robust social bond with the community and family. This tradition serves as a driving force for personal growth throughout life. Its fluid nature encourages individual development. Every Native American tribe has a different naming tradition. In some tribes, a baby is not named until they are born, and in others, a child can be named only when they reach puberty. Some even name their child after a rite of passage, a life event, a dream, or an accomplishment. For example, within the Lakota tribe, names carry significant importance, with six distinct classes dictating the naming process. These categories encompass birth order, honor, special deed, nicknames, and secret or spirit names. The naming ceremony is a meticulous affair, extending over weeks or months, involving the careful planning of gifts, food, and prayers to celebrate the individual's achievements and actions. Crucially, the tribe’s elder must approve the name, typically revealed through a dream or vision, signifying the profound spiritual bond between the person and their given name (1). If you want a distinctive and beautiful Native American name, look no further. Use our baby name collection to find famous and insightful Native American names with meanings. We’ve even included a few Native American variants of Christian and Hebrew names for parents who wish to go the non-traditional route.

heart image Adsila Baby Girl Sign Girl Blossom
heart image Ahanu Baby Boy Sign Boy He laughs
heart image Ahtahkakoop Baby Boy Sign Boy Star blanket
heart image Ahuitzotl Baby Boy Sign Boy The eighth Aztec ruler, the Hueyi Tlatoani of the city of Tenochtitlan
heart image Aiyana Baby Girl Sign Girl Eternal bloom; Ever-blooming flower
heart image Akando Baby Boy Sign Boy Ambush; One who has power and wealth
heart image Akikta Baby Boy Sign Boy One who works with determination; Excels in everything
heart image Alo Baby Boy Sign Boy Spiritual guide
heart image Apiatan Baby Boy Sign Boy Wooden lance
heart image Asahavey Baby Boy Sign Boy Bird Chief; a perfect leader
heart image Askook Baby Boy Sign Boy Snake
heart image Atahladte Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Feather on the head
heart image Atotoztli Baby Girl Sign Girl Something which is not very clear
heart image Aucaman Baby Boy Sign Boy Wild condor
heart image Aviaja Baby Girl Sign Girl Cousin; Expressive and positive
heart image Avonaco Baby Boy Sign Boy A lean bear; Travel lover
heart image Awena Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Time of early day; Sunrise
heart image Awendea Baby Girl Sign Girl One who has a beautiful morning
heart image Awendela Baby Girl Sign Girl Fawn; Interesting
heart image Awinita Baby Girl Sign Girl One who loves social life; fawn
heart image Axayacatl Baby Boy Sign Boy A water-faced individual
heart image Axe Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is the father of peace
heart image Ayita Baby Girl Sign Girl First To Dance
heart image Aylen Baby Girl Sign Girl A clear individual; Happiness
heart image Behitha Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Eagle Child; the beginning of an event
heart image Bena Baby Girl Sign Girl Pheasant
heart image Bidaban Baby Boy Sign Boy Beginning of Dawn; an excellent human being
heart image Brocky Unisex Baby Sign Unisex The feahers that come from over the hill
heart image Byue Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Like a slow stream
heart image Caiya Baby Boy Sign Boy To be near something
heart image Calfuray Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is like a violet flower
heart image Calian Baby Boy Sign Boy He who is a warrior of the life
heart image Catahecassa Baby Boy Sign Boy Black hoof
heart image Catori Baby Girl Sign Girl She is spirit
heart image Chantesuta Unisex Baby Sign Unisex The one who has a firm heart
heart image Chanteyukan Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A benevolent human being
heart image Chapa Baby Girl Sign Girl Beaver; metal tin
heart image Chardon Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Bar of sand
heart image Chasity Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is pure
heart image Chaska Baby Boy Sign Boy The first born son
heart image Chaske Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who has cheerful and friendly personality
heart image Chaytan Baby Boy Sign Boy A patient, diplomatic, and gentle individual; Like a hawk
heart image Chayton Baby Boy Sign Boy The mighty falcon
heart image Chenoa Baby Girl Sign Girl Kentucky river
heart image Cherokee Baby Boy Sign Boy People of different language; Other people
heart image Chesmu Baby Boy Sign Boy A rough, witty person
heart image Chetanzi Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A yellow Hawk
heart image Cheveyo Baby Boy Sign Boy A warrior; soul warrior
heart image Cheyanne Baby Girl Sign Girl Red speakers
heart image Cheyenne Baby Girl Sign Girl Red speakers
heart image Chiana Baby Girl Sign Girl Capital city on the Plains
heart image Chianne Baby Girl Sign Girl Those who speak unintelligently
heart image Chichimecacihuatzin Baby Girl Sign Girl A noble person
heart image Chickoa Baby Girl Sign Girl During daybreak
heart image Chimalus Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A Bluebird
heart image Chogan Baby Boy Sign Boy Blackbird, a species of birds found in Europe and Asia
heart image Cholena Baby Girl Sign Girl Bird; the egg laying living thing that can fly
heart image Chua Baby Boy Sign Boy Snake
heart image Chumana Baby Girl Sign Girl Snake maiden
heart image Chumani Baby Girl Sign Girl Dew drop; a product of transpiration by plants
heart image Chunta Baby Boy Sign Boy Cheating; to use unfair or fraud means for one's own benefit
heart image Chusi Baby Girl Sign Girl Snake flower
heart image Chyanne Baby Girl Sign Girl A speaker who is impossible to understand and comprehend
heart image Ciqala Baby Boy Sign Boy Small one; tiny one; little one
heart image Citana Unisex Baby Sign Unisex One who is a star in the sky
heart image Citlali Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Star
heart image Cochise Baby Boy Sign Boy A type of wood; a well known warrior chief
heart image Cuauhtemoc Baby Boy Sign Boy A falling Eagle
heart image Cuauhtemotzin Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who falls like an Eagle
heart image Cuba Baby Boy Sign Boy The centre of an island
heart image Cuitlahuatzin Baby Boy Sign Boy Name of a far-off place
heart image Cusa Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who provokes
heart image Dakoda Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Native American; Friend
heart image Dakota Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Native American; Friend
heart image Dakotah Baby Boy Sign Boy A friend of friends
heart image Dasan Baby Boy Sign Boy A Chief
heart image Dason Baby Boy Sign Boy A combination name
heart image Doba Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who is studious, clever, and of a practical nature
heart image Dy Baby Girl Sign Girl A beautiful Deer
heart image Dyami Baby Boy Sign Boy A majestic Eagle
heart image Dyani Baby Girl Sign Girl A Deer; smart and fast
heart image Elan Baby Boy Sign Boy A friendly and lovely person; A tree
heart image Elsu Baby Boy Sign Boy A flying falcon
heart image Elu Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Full of grace
heart image Enapay Baby Boy Sign Boy Brave and powerful
heart image Enola Baby Girl Sign Girl Solitary
heart image Esadowa Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Wolves
heart image Etenia Baby Girl Sign Girl Wealthy
heart image Ezhno Baby Boy Sign Boy One who lives in solitary
heart image Fala Baby Girl Sign Girl A bird name; A crow
heart image Goyahkla Baby Boy Sign Boy A person who yawns; Intelligent and brave leader
heart image Goyathlay Baby Boy Sign Boy A person who yawns; Intelligent and brave leader
heart image Halona Baby Girl Sign Girl Iroquois Indian meaning happy fortune
heart image Halyn Baby Girl Sign Girl Unique; Not very common
heart image Haroldas Baby Boy Sign Boy Army ruler
heart image Haroldo Baby Boy Sign Boy Power; Leader; Ruler
heart image Hassun Baby Boy Sign Boy Stone
heart image Hateya Baby Girl Sign Girl Press with the foot or make tracks
heart image Helki Baby Girl Sign Girl Touch
heart image Herrick Baby Boy Sign Boy Army leader; Army rule
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Native American baby names hold immense importance, embodying the cultural legacy of indigenous people. The naming process is flexible, enabling personal growth over time. Various tribes adopt distinct naming customs tied to birth order, dreams, and achievements. The ceremonial approval by the tribe’s elders signifies a profound spiritual link between individuals and their names. Embracing a Native American name goes beyond aesthetics; it fosters a profound connection to a centuries-old tradition that honors identity and uniqueness. Such names encapsulate a rich heritage and offer a powerful tribute to Native American culture.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Native American baby names be used for non-Native American children?

Yes, Native American baby names can also be used for non-Native American children, provided the names are well-researched by the parents and the names are considered socially acceptable. Some Native American names that is chosen by non-Natives include Cherokee, Dakota, and Nayla.

2. What are some Native American baby names inspired by spiritual beliefs?

Some of the Native American names with spiritual beliefs are Alo, meaning ‘one who is a spiritual guide,’ Angeni, meaning ‘an angel,’ Jonas, which means ‘dove’ as a symbol of peace, and Pillan, which means ‘god of stormy weather.’

3. Which Native American name means star?

Some Native American names that mean stars include Galaxy, meaning ‘large system of stars’ and Wabanang, meaning ‘eastern morning star.’ Also, Namid, Citali, and Totole mean ‘star.’

4.Which Native American names mean peace?

Some of the Native American names that mean peace include Jalen, meaning ‘tranquil,’ Frederick, meaning ‘peaceful ruler,’ Serenity, which means ‘peaceful disposition,’ and Aquene, meaning ‘peace.’

5. Which Native American name means heaven?

Some of the American names that mean heaven include Avari, meaning ‘from the sky,’ Moraika, meaning ‘heavenly messenger,’ Sahalie, meaning ‘heaven,’ and Arcelio, which means ‘altar of heaven.’

Infographic: Traditional Native American Baby Names

There's no better way to honor your American heritage than by choosing a gorgeous Native American baby name. For millennia, Native Americans have shaped their culture and environment. Their values, traditions, and beliefs have been passed from generation to generation. As a result, names from this culture have powerful symbolism. Read this infographic to find the most impactful ones.

native american names with deep cultural significance (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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