121 Swiss Baby Names With Meanings


Switzerland, a small country with a large population, is renowned for its linguistic variation. Three-fourths of the total population speak German as their native language, a tad less than half of the total population have Italian as their native language, and the rest speak French. You will notice the same variation when looking at Swiss baby names with meanings. Speakers of these languages have their distinct naming traditions. German Swiss people select popular German and Austrian names, Italian speakers stick with Italian baby names, and French speakers find comfort in French baby names. Traditional Swiss names are rarely heard. Another thing to note is that the Swiss people do not experiment much regarding baby names. They cannot invent names because legal guidelines and social conventions are against them. The name must be gender-neutral, it shouldn’t be a dialect name or a nickname, and the Swiss authorities must approve it. Even creative spelling isn’t allowed. Also, there are only a handful of unisex baby names. Swiss people aim to identify a person's gender by hearing their name. Swiss culture mostly has names of Germanic, Latin, Hebrew, or Greek origin. Seekers of varied and exciting names will indeed find Swiss culture pleasant. Many words signify good virtues, while others are abbreviations of long traditional names. You will also find many occupational and habitational names in this language. Commonly, Swiss people speak in the Swiss-German dialect (2). It is the default language of daily life and is spoken irrespective of social class. This language is a mix of Alemmanic dialects. There are many variations in this language as well, but Swiss German speakers in different places can make out what others are speaking even if their dialect is varied. Deluge yourself in our distinctive Swiss baby name list below. Be it German, Italian, French, or traditional Swiss names, we have got everything here.

heart image Accola Baby Boy Sign Boy Neighbor or to live near
heart image Adalheid Baby Boy Sign Boy Golden
heart image Adank Baby Boy Sign Boy Adank is Swiss variant of Adam and means earth
heart image Adolfus Baby Boy Sign Boy A noble wolf
heart image Aebi Baby Boy Sign Boy Noble
heart image Agnetta Baby Girl Sign Girl Chaste or holy
heart image Agon Baby Boy Sign Boy The dawn
heart image Altherr Baby Boy Sign Boy Old master; Older person of high status
heart image Amacker Baby Boy Sign Boy Topographic name from 'am Acker', meaning by the field.
heart image Anna Baby Boy Sign Boy Grace; Favor
heart image Annagret Baby Girl Sign Girl Glorious one; Bright and nightless
heart image Ardit Baby Boy Sign Boy A golden day
heart image Arjeta Baby Girl Sign Girl Golden life
heart image Armend Baby Boy Sign Boy Golden intelligence; Golden mind
heart image Arnborg Baby Boy Sign Boy Eagle; Protection
heart image Babetta Baby Girl Sign Girl Foreign woman
heart image Balthis Baby Boy Sign Boy Baal protects the king
heart image Barbel Baby Girl Sign Girl Foreign or strange
heart image Bastein Baby Boy Sign Boy Short form of Sebastein; One who is revered
heart image Beat Baby Boy Sign Boy Blessed
heart image Benziger Baby Boy Sign Boy Someone from Benzingen
heart image Berlinger Baby Boy Sign Boy A habitational name; From Beroldingen
heart image Bertschy Baby Boy Sign Boy A variant of Bertwald; Bright and famous
heart image Billeter Baby Boy Sign Boy Someone from Bilten
heart image Blanda Baby Girl Sign Girl Dazzling
heart image Blerim Baby Boy Sign Boy Flower or bloom
heart image Blerina Baby Girl Sign Girl Fresh greenness
heart image Bothild Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is best in the battle
heart image Caflisch Baby Boy Sign Boy Shortened form of Kalbfleisch; Immature person
heart image Cajsa Baby Girl Sign Girl Pure
heart image Camenzind Baby Boy Sign Boy Builder of fireplaces and chimneys
heart image Caspari Baby Boy Sign Boy A variation of Italian Gaspari, treasure bearer.
heart image Danuser Baby Boy Sign Boy Theatre of opera
heart image David Baby Boy Sign Boy Beloved
heart image Derrer Baby Boy Sign Boy Occupational name; Flax or hemp worker
heart image Dettwiler Baby Boy Sign Boy Variant spelling of Detweiler; A habitational name; A village in Zürich
heart image Diellza Baby Girl Sign Girl Sun
heart image Dietiker Baby Boy Sign Boy A habitational name for someone from Dietikon near Zürich
heart image Disler Baby Boy Sign Boy Occupational name for a maker of poles, frames, or wagons; Shaft
heart image Dritan Baby Boy Sign Boy Light
heart image Eberly Baby Boy Sign Boy A pet form of Eberhardt, meaning brave or hardy
heart image Ebersold Baby Boy Sign Boy Swiss variant of Ebersol, meaning wild boar or wallow
heart image Eggen Baby Boy Sign Boy Patronymic from Egge; Ridge or edge
heart image Ehlii Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A noble and brave hearted person
heart image Eiger Baby Boy Sign Boy Sharp like a javelin; very strong
heart image Eliana Baby Girl Sign Girl God has given the answer
heart image Elias Baby Boy Sign Boy One who believes Yahweh is the Lord
heart image Elov Baby Boy Sign Boy Ever-heir; Successor
heart image Elsinger Baby Boy Sign Boy Derived from Elsing
heart image Emilia Baby Girl Sign Girl Rival; To emulate; Excel
heart image Emma Baby Girl Sign Girl Whole; Universal
heart image Erisman Baby Boy Sign Boy An honorable man
heart image Evia Baby Girl Sign Girl She is breathing and living
heart image Fahrni Baby Boy Sign Boy A variant of Farni; A topographic name for someone living in an area with ferns
heart image Fassnacht Baby Boy Sign Boy Derived from the word Fastnacht, meaning Shrovetide carnival
heart image Fessler Baby Boy Sign Boy Occupational name for a cooper
heart image Fisnik Baby Boy Sign Boy Noble
heart image Flamur Baby Boy Sign Boy Flag; Banner
heart image Floke Baby Girl Sign Girl Guardian of the people
heart image Fricker Baby Boy Sign Boy To move briskly or nimbly
heart image Friede Baby Girl Sign Girl Elf strength
heart image Frutiger Baby Boy Sign Boy A habitational name from a place called Fruttigen
heart image Gabriel Unisex Baby Sign Unisex God is my strength
heart image Gittan Baby Girl Sign Girl The exalted one
heart image Heilwig Baby Girl Sign Girl One who remains strong in battle
heart image Inge Baby Girl Sign Girl Ancestor
heart image Ingegerd Baby Girl Sign Girl Ing's enclosure
heart image Ingram Baby Girl Sign Girl Ing's raven
heart image Jetmir Baby Boy Sign Boy Good life
heart image Jeton Baby Boy Sign Boy Life
heart image Julian Baby Boy Sign Boy Youthful; Bright; Juvenile; Downy-bearded
heart image Kettil Baby Boy Sign Boy Cauldron or kettle
heart image Kreshnik Baby Boy Sign Boy Knight
heart image Kushtrim Baby Boy Sign Boy Cry of war
heart image Lara Baby Girl Sign Girl Protection; Water fairy
heart image Laura Baby Girl Sign Girl Laurel; Victory
heart image Lena Baby Girl Sign Girl Torch; Bright shining light
heart image Leon Baby Boy Sign Boy Lion
heart image Leutrim Baby Boy Sign Boy Brave; Full of bravery
heart image Liam Baby Boy Sign Boy Strong-willed warrior
heart image Lina Baby Girl Sign Girl Tender; Sunlight
heart image Liridona Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is longing for freedom
heart image Louis Baby Boy Sign Boy Famous warrior
heart image Luca Baby Boy Sign Boy Bringer of light
heart image Marti Baby Boy Sign Boy A soldier of Mars
heart image Martina Baby Girl Sign Girl Warrior
heart image Meia Baby Girl Sign Girl Strength; Star of the sea
heart image Mia Baby Girl Sign Girl Mine; Dear; Darling
heart image Mila Baby Girl Sign Girl Gracious; Dear
heart image Nisse Baby Boy Sign Boy Victory of the people
heart image Noah Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Rest
heart image Orell Baby Boy Sign Boy Swiss accent of Aurelius; Golden, glided
heart image Primin Baby Boy Sign Boy The first born
heart image Samuel Baby Boy Sign Boy Name of God
heart image Silvan Baby Boy Sign Boy He who is from the woods
heart image Sira Baby Girl Sign Girl She who comes from Syria
heart image Sofia Baby Girl Sign Girl Wisdom; Learned
heart image Sylvette Baby Girl Sign Girl Sylvette is a version of Sylvia, meaning wood or tree
heart image Sylviane Baby Girl Sign Girl Wood; Forest
heart image Torkel Baby Boy Sign Boy Thor's cauldron
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Swiss names are a wonderful mix of various languages. You can find immense variety in this list of Swiss baby names with meanings mainly because of the many national official languages, such as German, Italian, and French. The names hold deep meanings and signify many societal values. You may opt for a classic Swiss name or go for the ones trending right now. It doesn't matter what you choose; the final choice will undoubtedly be admirable.

Infographic: Scintillating Swiss Baby Names With Meanings

Switzerland is a linguistically diverse country, with German, Italian, and French being the predominant languages. So, you will find many cute and inspiring names for your little one in this country. They perfectly encompass the nation’s diversity and beauty. We listed the best Swiss baby names in this infographic below.

sophisticated swiss names for your sweet little one (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do Swiss parents choose a name for their baby?

Swiss baby names are chosen three months before the baby's birth and submitted for the government's approval. Parents are to select names that are not offensive, do not harm or shame the child, and avoid unsuitable names (1).

2. Are there any rules about baby names in Switzerland?

Some Swiss rules for naming your baby include picking a linguistically Swiss name since strange or creative names are not accepted. The International Book of First Names 2008 edition is used as a reference for genuine names. Names that are harmful or offensive are not permitted. Names that consist of numbers and single letters like 'J' are prohibited, farm names may be removed or the order changed (1). Babies cannot be named after popular Swiss brands. Parents are not allowed to name their children after negative characters from the Bible like Cain, Judas, or Lucifer.


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