1343 American Baby Names With Meanings


The United States of America commonly referred to as the United States, is one of the most liberal countries in the world. Apart from freedom of religion, press, speech, and marriage, the country has very few laws relating to baby names as well. It gives freedom to select and create any name people think can express their values, personality, cultural identity, and creativity. But pictograms and numerical digits for names aren’t allowed and rightly so.
Of course, like every country, even the United States of America has a few favorites. Patriotic baby names, rich in cultural significance, are rising up on the Social Security Administration list. Besides, United States place-names like Arizona, Phoenix, and Savannah are also gaining popularity. Traditional parents prefer classic English names so that their children assimilate well in the society.
So whether you’re looking for a traditional and classic United States name or something out of the box, MomJunction's got everything covered in our United States baby name finder tool.

heart image Aace Baby Boy Sign Boy Unity; Luck; Excellence
heart image Abcde Baby Girl Sign Girl First five letters of the English alphabet
heart image Abeque Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who loves to stay at home
heart image Abriella Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is derived from God; The pillar of strength
heart image Aby Baby Boy Sign Boy Father of multitude or masses
heart image Acalan Baby Boy Sign Boy A small narrow and long rowing boat
heart image Acamapichtli Baby Boy Sign Boy A handful of reeds or long grass
heart image Adaline Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble
heart image Addisyn Baby Boy Sign Boy The son of Addie or Adam
heart image Adica Baby Girl Sign Girl The mother's choice
heart image Aerilyn Baby Girl Sign Girl The beautiful or pleasant air
heart image Aiden Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Little fire
heart image Aiyanna Baby Girl Sign Girl Eternal blossom; Everlasting bloom
heart image Aj Baby Boy Sign Boy Powerful; Complete
heart image Ajarae Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A made-up name; The name of an actor
heart image Alivia Baby Girl Sign Girl Olive tree
heart image Allston Baby Boy Sign Boy A noble one's settlement
heart image Almanzo Baby Boy Sign Boy Derived from an Arabian benefactor to his ancestors by the name of Al-Mansour, the victorious
heart image Alpha Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Beginning
heart image Alvin Baby Boy Sign Boy Friend of the elves; Noble friend; Old friend
heart image Alyson Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble
heart image Amberleigh Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is immortal
heart image Ameera Baby Girl Sign Girl Princess
heart image Amelia Baby Girl Sign Girl Hardworking and industrious
heart image Amelie Baby Girl Sign Girl Industrious
heart image Angelos Baby Boy Sign Boy Charming angels of God sent from heaven
heart image Annis Baby Girl Sign Girl Pure
heart image Annissa Baby Girl Sign Girl A true companion who is pure and charming
heart image Anson Baby Boy Sign Boy son of Agnes
heart image Antoinette Baby Girl Sign Girl Praiseworthy; Priceless one
heart image Aria Baby Girl Sign Girl Lioness; Air; Melody
heart image Armando Baby Boy Sign Boy Soldier; Army man
heart image Arnold Baby Boy Sign Boy Strong like an eagle
heart image Arvin Baby Boy Sign Boy Copious; Abundant
heart image Astghik Baby Girl Sign Girl Little star
heart image Auner Baby Boy Sign Boy An adventurous; Sophisticated beings
heart image Auria Baby Girl Sign Girl Gold
heart image Auriar Baby Girl Sign Girl Cold and gentle breeze filled with music
heart image Austen Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has a great and magnificient personality
heart image Ava Baby Girl Sign Girl Guarantee
heart image Avabelle Baby Girl Sign Girl One who has a beautiful life; Breathing in life
heart image Averi Baby Girl Sign Girl Elf counsel
heart image Aydan Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is born out of fire; Impusive
heart image Ayden Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who brings fire
heart image Bailei Baby Boy Sign Boy A warrant officer of a judge
heart image Banner Baby Boy Sign Boy A colonial origin, banner; Flag
heart image Banning Baby Boy Sign Boy Small and fair; One who reads the banns; Blond child; Small fair one; Son of the fair one
heart image Barbi Baby Girl Sign Girl One who stammers; Foreign
heart image Barbie Baby Girl Sign Girl Derived from Barbara; Traveler from a foreign land
heart image Bard Baby Boy Sign Boy Poet; Minstrel; One who sings ballads
heart image Bardalph Baby Boy Sign Boy Ax Wolf
heart image Bardan Baby Boy Sign Boy One who lives near the boar's den
heart image Barden Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives near the boar's den; Boar's den
heart image Bardene Baby Boy Sign Boy From the Boar Valley
heart image Bardo Baby Boy Sign Boy Variant of Bartholomew; Son of the Earth
heart image Bardolf Baby Boy Sign Boy Ax-wolf
heart image Bardolph Baby Boy Sign Boy Ax-wolf
heart image Bardon Baby Boy Sign Boy Minstrel; Singer-poet; Barley Valley
heart image Barlow Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives on the bare hill; A place's name; The bare hillside
heart image Barnet Baby Boy Sign Boy Of Honorable Birth; From the Land That was Burned
heart image Barnett Baby Boy Sign Boy Leader; From the Land That was Burned; Noble Man
heart image Barnum Baby Boy Sign Boy From the Nobleman's Home
heart image Barret Baby Boy Sign Boy Brave as a bear; Bear-strength
heart image Barric Baby Boy Sign Boy Grain Farm
heart image Barrick Baby Boy Sign Boy Grain farm; A barley farm
heart image Barrie Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives at the Barrier; Fair-haired; From the Land That was Burned; Sharp; Pointed; Bear-strength
heart image Barron Baby Boy Sign Boy Warrior; The title of nobility used as a first name; From the land that was burned
heart image Bartel Baby Boy Sign Boy From the Barley Farm; Farmer's Son; Son of Talmai
heart image Barthram Baby Boy Sign Boy Illustrious; Glorious Raven
heart image Bartleah Baby Boy Sign Boy From Bart's Meadow
heart image Bartleigh Baby Boy Sign Boy From Bart's Meadow
heart image Bartley Baby Boy Sign Boy From the Birch Tree Meadows; Son of Talmai; Son of the One who Abounds in Furrows
heart image Bartram Baby Boy Sign Boy Glorious Raven; Bright Raven
heart image Barwolf Baby Boy Sign Boy Ax Wolf
heart image Bates Baby Boy Sign Boy Variant of Bartholomew
heart image Bea Baby Girl Sign Girl Blessed; Bringer of happiness
heart image Beacher Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives by the Beech Tree
heart image Beachy Baby Boy Sign Boy Diminutive of Beacher
heart image Beal Baby Boy Sign Boy Attractive; Good looking; Beautiful
heart image Beale Baby Boy Sign Boy Handsome; Attractive; Fine looking
heart image Beall Baby Boy Sign Boy Good-looking; Beautiful
heart image Beaman Baby Boy Sign Boy Beekeeper; From a beautiful hill
heart image Beamer Baby Boy Sign Boy Trumpet Player
heart image Beceere Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives by the Beech Tree
heart image Becki Baby Girl Sign Girl Bound; Captivating; Abbreviation of Rebecca
heart image Beckie Baby Girl Sign Girl Captivating; Bound; Form of Rebecca; Tied; Joined
heart image Bede Baby Boy Sign Boy Prayer
heart image Beecher Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives by the beech tree
heart image Begona Baby Girl Sign Girl Lady of Begona
heart image Bek Baby Boy Sign Boy Brook
heart image Beldan Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives in the Beautiful Glen
heart image Beldane Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives in the Beautiful Valley
heart image Beldene Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives in the Most Beautiful Valley
heart image Beldon Baby Boy Sign Boy Lives in the beautiful glen; Child of the unspoiled glen; Pretty valley
heart image Belen Baby Girl Sign Girl Derived from Bethlehem; House of bread
heart image Bemelle Baby Boy Sign Boy Strong as a Bear
heart image Benecroft Baby Boy Sign Boy From the Bean Field
heart image Benjamen Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of the Right Hand
heart image Benjen Baby Boy Sign Boy A created Name
heart image Benjiman Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of the right hand; Son of the south
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some American baby names that have multiple spellings?

Some American baby names that have multiple spellings include John/Jon/Jone, Riley/Rylee, Emily/Emilie, Jayden/Jaden, Zoey/Zoe, Lily/Lilly, Hailey/Hayley/Haley, Aidan/Aiden, and Nathan/Nathen.

2. What are some American baby names that are inspired by patriotism?

American baby names inspired by patriotism include names of well-known personalities like Kennedy, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Reagan, and Roosevelt.

3. What are some modern American baby names that are inspired by technology?

Elon, Tesla, Siri, Java, and Neo are a few American baby names popularized by famous personalities and mainstream technologies.

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