515 Buddhism Baby Names With Meanings


While most parents are opting for energetic, preppy, and rough and tough names, others are still drawn to names with spiritual connections. And what is better than Buddhist baby names dwelling in Buddhism when looking for a spiritual option? Buddhism, encompassing a variety of beliefs, traditions, and spiritual practices, is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. In China and Japan, certain Buddhist communities follow a unique cultural practice wherein they refrain from giving a formal name to a baby before birth. Instead, they opt for a temporary or ‘milk’ name, a term with negative or unpleasant connotations, such as ‘mud face.’ This interesting tradition is believed to serve a protective purpose: to make evil spirits uneasy or ‘sick,’ thereby safeguarding the baby from malevolent influences. As the child grows, these ‘milk’ names may transform into endearing nicknames, adding a touch of familiarity and affection (1). Buddhist baby names create a positive first impression on people new to them. The peaceful and enlightened sound of these names makes the bearers seemingly amiable, relaxed, and approachable. These names aren’t entirely traditional, they offer cues to the virtues and goals that the bearer and their parents aspire. In this exploration of Buddhist baby names, we invite you to delve into the profound meanings and symbolism behind these appellations. Discover the beauty of names that not only echo the essence of Buddhism but also encapsulate a timeless connection to the teachings of peace, mindfulness, and the boundless potential for enlightenment. We have gathered a comprehensive list of Buddhist baby names with their meanings for you to find the best one for your munchkin.

heart image A-wut Baby Boy Sign Boy Weapon
heart image Achara Baby Girl Sign Girl An angel who is very pretty or beautiful
heart image Adhiarja Baby Boy Sign Boy Safety
heart image Adika Baby Boy Sign Boy The first child of the second husband
heart image Agung Baby Boy Sign Boy Grand or great
heart image Altansarnai Baby Girl Sign Girl Golden rose
heart image Altantsetseg Baby Girl Sign Girl Golden flower
heart image Amanthi Baby Girl Sign Girl Protector of peace
heart image Ananada Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is prosperous
heart image Angkasa Baby Girl Sign Girl The sky
heart image Anh Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Flower; Brave; Hero
heart image Anong Baby Girl Sign Girl A gorgeous woman
heart image Anuman Baby Boy Sign Boy Small patience
heart image Anurak Baby Boy Sign Boy The male angel in Thai mythology.
heart image Aom Baby Girl Sign Girl To encircle; To embrace
heart image Arban Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A fluent man
heart image Arkar Baby Boy Sign Boy Sky
heart image Asahi Baby Boy Sign Boy Morning sun
heart image Asnee Baby Boy Sign Boy Lightning
heart image Atid Baby Boy Sign Boy The sun
heart image Aung Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Success; She who is destined for a successful life
heart image Aye Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Cool
heart image Bagaskoro Baby Boy Sign Boy Sun rays
heart image Bagus Baby Boy Sign Boy Handsome; Excellent
heart image Bakti Baby Boy Sign Boy An obedient boy
heart image Bankei Baby Boy Sign Boy Ten Thousand Blessings
heart image Banko Baby Boy Sign Boy Everlasting
heart image Banyu Baby Boy Sign Boy Water
heart image Banzan Baby Boy Sign Boy Indestructible Mountain
heart image Bao Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Jewel; Treasure; Precious
heart image Bassui Baby Boy Sign Boy High Above Average
heart image Bat Erdene Baby Boy Sign Boy Strong jewel
heart image Bataar Baby Boy Sign Boy Hero; A heroic figure
heart image Batbayar Baby Boy Sign Boy Strong joy
heart image Batjargal Baby Boy Sign Boy Firm happiness
heart image Batsaikhan Baby Boy Sign Boy He who is strong and nice
heart image Batuhan Baby Boy Sign Boy Firm; Hard or strong
heart image Batukhan Baby Boy Sign Boy A firm ruler
heart image Batzorig Baby Boy Sign Boy Courageous and strong
heart image Bayarmaa Baby Girl Sign Girl Mother of joy
heart image Beam Baby Girl Sign Girl Ray of light
heart image Bhadrapala Baby Boy Sign Boy Protector of Goodness
heart image Bi Baby Girl Sign Girl A Chinesee name meaning Green Jade
heart image Boddhidharma Baby Boy Sign Boy A person who is a follower of Buddhism
heart image Bodhidharma Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has an all-pervading awakened and enlighted mind
heart image Bolin Baby Boy Sign Boy An elder brother of the rain
heart image Bolormaa Baby Girl Sign Girl Crystal mother
heart image Boon-Mee Baby Boy Sign Boy Lucky; A lucky and fortunate boy
heart image Boon-Nam Baby Boy Sign Boy One born with a good fortune
heart image Boonsri Baby Girl Sign Girl Beautiful
heart image Brahmadhvaja Baby Boy Sign Boy Warrior of God
heart image Bu Baby Boy Sign Boy He who is a leader
heart image Buddhamitra Baby Boy Sign Boy A friend of Buddha
heart image Budh Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is enlightened
heart image Budhh Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has been enlightened
heart image Budi Baby Boy Sign Boy To have reason, mind or a character
heart image Bupposo Baby Boy Sign Boy Name meaning Buddha-Dharma-Sangha
heart image Busarakham Baby Girl Sign Girl Yellow sapphire
heart image Butsugen Baby Boy Sign Boy Buddha's eye
heart image Butsuju Baby Boy Sign Boy Life of Buddha
heart image Buu Baby Boy Sign Boy Chief
heart image Cahya Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Light in darkness
heart image Caihong Baby Girl Sign Girl Rainbow
heart image Cais Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Rejoicing individual
heart image Candavira Baby Boy Sign Boy A male name for those who are Buddhists
heart image Candrasurya Baby Boy Sign Boy A moon-like man
heart image Canh Baby Boy Sign Boy The endlessness of the environment
heart image Cao Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Grasp
heart image Cetan Baby Boy Sign Boy Hawk
heart image Chaghatai Baby Boy Sign Boy Baby
heart image Chai Son Baby Boy Sign Boy A mischievous boy
heart image Chaisai Baby Boy Sign Boy Victory
heart image Chaiya Baby Boy Sign Boy Victory
heart image Chakan Baby Boy Sign Boy An able bodied person
heart image Chalerm Baby Boy Sign Boy Celebrated
heart image Chalermchai Baby Boy Sign Boy A celebrated victory
heart image Chaloem Baby Boy Sign Boy The apex
heart image Champo Baby Boy Sign Boy Friendly
heart image Channarong Baby Boy Sign Boy An experienced warrior
heart image Chenda Baby Girl Sign Girl Thought; Intellect
heart image Chenghiz Baby Boy Sign Boy He who is greatest and wise
heart image Chesa Baby Girl Sign Girl Greatness
heart image Chewa Baby Girl Sign Girl She who is great or powerful
heart image Chime Baby Girl Sign Girl Everlasting or immortal
heart image Chimeg Baby Girl Sign Girl Ornament
heart image Chingis Baby Boy Sign Boy A variant of Chenghiz; Greatest and wise
heart image Chinshu Baby Boy Sign Boy A calm, soothing place
heart image Chinua Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Blessings from God
heart image Chit Baby Girl Sign Girl Love; She who is lovable
heart image Choden Baby Girl Sign Girl The devout one or religious
heart image Chodren Baby Girl Sign Girl Lamb of the Dharma
heart image Chomden Baby Girl Sign Girl She who overcomes the negative
heart image Chorei Baby Boy Sign Boy Transparent spirituality
heart image Chosui Baby Boy Sign Boy Water that is pure and fit for drinking purpose
heart image Chozen Baby Boy Sign Boy Clear; Transparent; Meditation; Practice
heart image Chuanchen Baby Boy Sign Boy Persuasion
heart image Chugai Baby Boy Sign Boy Transcending Universe; to exist above and independent
heart image Chuluun Baby Boy Sign Boy Stone or he who is strong as stone
heart image Chuluunbold Baby Boy Sign Boy Stone steel
heart image Chuong Baby Boy Sign Boy Chapter; a part of a whole story
1 2 3 6

Buddhist baby names offer a spiritual and meaningful choices. Rooted in the teachings of Lord Buddha, these names reflect enlightenment and inner peace. They create a positive impression, projecting serenity and approachability. Our treasure trove of appellations have been well-researched, honoring tradition and carrying timeless significance and aspirations for a harmonious and enlightened life. You may take the help of your family in picking the most appropriate name for your little one.

Infographic: Enchanting Buddhist Baby Names With Meanings

Embrace the spiritual depth of Buddhism baby names, drawing inspiration from ancient wisdom. These names reflect virtues such as compassion, wisdom, and enlightenment, infusing your child's life with profound meaning and a sense of peace. From historical figures to sacred texts, the infographic below presents names that carry a unique significance. Check out!

heavenly buddhist baby names for your loving child (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Buddhist names mean peace?

The Buddhist name for peace is 'Shanti' or 'Shanthi.' It represents a deep sense of calmness, contentment, and freedom from suffering. Names like Bodhi and Zen represent peace in Buddhism.

2. What are some gender-neutral Buddhist baby names that can be used for baby girls?

Jaya (meaning victory in Sanskrit), Metta (kindness and compassion in Thai), and Virya (persistence and vigor in Sanskrit) are some gender-neutral Buddhist baby names that can be used for baby girls.

3. What are some Buddhist baby names associated with specific Buddhist figures or deities?

Bodhi (enlightened or awakened intellect of a Buddha), Avalokitesvara (principal attendant of Amitabha Buddha), Vajrapani (protector and guide of Gautama Buddha), Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy), Yamantaka (deity of Vajrayana Buddhism), and Tara (mother of liberation) are some baby names associated with specific Buddhist figures or deities.


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  1. Japanese Buddhist Rituals for Babies and Children.
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