21998 Christianity Baby Names With Meanings


heart image Aabraham Baby Boy Sign Boy Father of many
heart image Aace Baby Boy Sign Boy Unity; Luck; Excellence
heart image Aada Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble; A noble one; Adornment; The firstborn
heart image Aadelheide Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble
heart image Aaden Baby Boy Sign Boy Fire and flame; Warmth of the home
heart image Aadne Baby Boy Sign Boy Eagle; In Norway, it is the variant spelling of Adne
heart image Aaida Baby Girl Sign Girl The one who is helpful; Ornament; Brightness
heart image Aaju Baby Boy Sign Boy Older sibling of the same gender
heart image Aajunnguaq Baby Boy Sign Boy Dear older sibling
heart image Aakkuluk Baby Boy Sign Boy Sweet little one
heart image Aalis Baby Girl Sign Girl A form of Alice; Noble
heart image Aamannguaq Baby Boy Sign Boy Glow; Glowing coal
heart image Aamber Baby Girl Sign Girl A precious jewel or gemstone; Warm honey color
heart image Aanarsi Baby Boy Sign Boy Greenlandic form of Anders; Manly
heart image Aaran Baby Boy Sign Boy Exalted; Strong; Teacher; Mountain of strength
heart image Aaren Baby Boy Sign Boy Lofty; Inspired; High mountain
heart image Aari Baby Boy Sign Boy Mountain of Strength
heart image Aaric Baby Boy Sign Boy Rule with Mercy; Graceful Ruler
heart image Aariyeh Baby Boy Sign Boy Desiring spirituality and enjoying isolation and meditation
heart image Aaro Baby Boy Sign Boy Mountain of strength; High mountain
heart image Aarron Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who is enlightened; To sing
heart image Aart Baby Boy Sign Boy Stone; Bear; Thor; The eagle; A variant form of Arthur
heart image Aasal Baby Boy Sign Boy Late afternoons or evenings
heart image Aase Baby Girl Sign Girl The mountain covered with trees; God
heart image Aashif Baby Boy Sign Boy The one having a confident character; Being courageous
heart image Aasir Baby Boy Sign Boy One with a captivating and fascinating personality
heart image Aasta Baby Girl Sign Girl Love
heart image Aata Baby Boy Sign Boy Bear or stone in the Maori language
heart image Aayden Baby Boy Sign Boy Someone like fire; Fiery
heart image Aayla Baby Girl Sign Girl Top of the mountain
heart image Abacuck Baby Boy Sign Boy One who likes to seek adventure and travel
heart image Abaeze Baby Boy Sign Boy Branch of the kings
heart image Abagail Baby Girl Sign Girl Father's joy; Father of exaltation
heart image Abai Baby Girl Sign Girl The Nile River
heart image Abaigael Baby Girl Sign Girl Deviation form of the name Abigail; Father of exaltation
heart image Aballach Baby Boy Sign Boy Father of Modron
heart image Abayomrunkoje Baby Boy Sign Boy God won't allow humiliation
heart image Abbatissa Baby Girl Sign Girl Feminine head of an abbey
heart image Abbe Baby Boy Sign Boy My father is joyful; A Variant of Abby
heart image Abbes Baby Boy Sign Boy A lion who has a ruthless face
heart image Abbigail Baby Girl Sign Girl My father's joy; my father is exulted
heart image Abbigale Baby Girl Sign Girl Joy of my father
heart image Abbo Baby Boy Sign Boy A Condiment (Mudama Origin)
heart image Abbreithe Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is a lady's maid
heart image Abby Baby Girl Sign Girl My father's joy; My father is cheerful
heart image Abbygail Baby Girl Sign Girl Father of exaltation
heart image Abcde Baby Girl Sign Girl First five letters of the English alphabet
heart image Abdiel Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of God
heart image Abdieso Baby Boy Sign Boy My servant
heart image Abdul ahad Baby Boy Sign Boy Servant of only one
heart image Abe Baby Boy Sign Boy Father of many; Father's exalted
heart image Abegale Baby Girl Sign Girl Variant of name Abigail which means father of multitude
heart image Abegunde Baby Boy Sign Boy One born during the holiday
heart image Abejundio Baby Boy Sign Boy Relating to bee or abaje
heart image Abel Baby Boy Sign Boy Breath
heart image Abela Baby Girl Sign Girl Alternative of Abelia French; means source of life that is breath
heart image Abelard Baby Boy Sign Boy Resolute and stubborn
heart image Abelardo Baby Boy Sign Boy Noble; Generous; Strong
heart image Abelia Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who looks for over a flock or herd
heart image Abelie Baby Girl Sign Girl Form of French name Abel which means vapor or breath
heart image Abeline Baby Girl Sign Girl Holy Land mentioned in the Bible; Land of pasture
heart image Abelino Baby Boy Sign Boy Unsure; Pet form of Avila
heart image Abella Baby Girl Sign Girl Breath
heart image Abellona Baby Girl Sign Girl The sun Goddess
heart image Abelone Baby Girl Sign Girl One who destroys his or her enemy
heart image Abelota Baby Girl Sign Girl An eager; Able and balanced person
heart image Aben Baby Boy Sign Boy Stands for father of many or multitude
heart image Abeo Baby Boy Sign Boy The bringer of happiness
heart image Abeque Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who loves to stay at home
heart image Aberdeen Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is from the city in northeast Scotland
heart image Aberdine Baby Girl Sign Girl Woman from a city of Aberdeen; reliable
heart image Aberesh Baby Girl Sign Girl Derived from medieval form of Albanian in southern Italy communities
heart image Aberforth Baby Boy Sign Boy From the rivera in Gaelic
heart image Abernathy Baby Boy Sign Boy Beginning or starting point of the river
heart image Aberto Baby Boy Sign Boy Aberto is Tongan form of Albert and means noble
heart image Abhatha Baby Boy Sign Boy A cultural and enthusiastic person
heart image Abhigita Baby Boy Sign Boy A happy go lucky and spontaneous person
heart image Abiade Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is born to royal parents
heart image Abiah Unisex Baby Sign Unisex My father is Yahweh
heart image Abich Baby Boy Sign Boy Noble; A noble man
heart image Abida Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Worshiper
heart image Abidugun Baby Boy Sign Boy One born before the war
heart image Abiezer Baby Boy Sign Boy Father of help
heart image Abigaia Baby Girl Sign Girl My father's rejoice
heart image Abigail Baby Girl Sign Girl Father's joy
heart image Abigaill Baby Girl Sign Girl The joy of my father
heart image Abigaille Baby Girl Sign Girl The rejoice of my father
heart image Abigale Baby Girl Sign Girl Father's joy
heart image Abigay Baby Girl Sign Girl The joy or happiness of Yahweh or father of rejoicing
heart image Abigayle Baby Girl Sign Girl The joy or happiness of Yahweh
heart image Abigeal Baby Girl Sign Girl The father's rejoice
heart image Abihail Baby Girl Sign Girl The rejoice of my Yahweh
heart image Abilee Baby Girl Sign Girl The land of mourning
heart image Abilena Baby Girl Sign Girl The father of a mourning person
heart image Abilio Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is able or an expert
heart image Abilo Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is skilled and proficient in whatever he does
heart image Abimael Baby Boy Sign Boy Father who is sent from God
heart image Abiodun Baby Boy Sign Boy One born at the time of festival
heart image Abiola Baby Boy Sign Boy Born in Honor; Born during the first days
heart image Abioye Baby Boy Sign Boy The son of royalty; A Variant of Abiola
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