84 Shinto Baby Names With Meanings


Picking a Shinto baby name has never been so easy. Our baby name tool offers a comprehensive collection of Shinto baby names with meanings. Shinto is one of the most followed religious convictions in Japan. It isn’t a religion per se. Its spirituality is based on the Japanese idea of ‘kami,’ which means a divine spirit (1). The followers of Shintoism do not have any holy scriptures in the truest sense, but they do follow Japanese classics like Kojiki and Nihongi. Shinto and Buddhism are very similar to each other. Both address the worldview questions, and both aim to attain salvation. In fact, Shinto did not have a name until Buddhism was introduced in Japan. On the 31st day of the birth of baby boys and the 32nd day of the birth of baby girls, the parents and the grandparents of the child visit a Shinto shrine for the baby naming ceremony. The priest, in between all the prayers, announces the baby’s name. The parents then carry the baby in their arms and bow to the altar. Spirituality, nature, ancestral figures, and cultural heritage inspire the Shinto baby names. These names are usually traditional and represent the connection with Japanese and Buddhist traditions and heritage, which makes them significant and unique. For example, the name Hagrama, which stands for ‘dense forest,’ here the name signifies the importance of living in harmony with nature and highlights qualities like serenity and purity. The name Sora, which means ‘sky’ or ‘heaven,’ symbolizes divine strength and vastness, which are believed to be important concepts in Shinto beliefs. Another name Chouko, which means ‘butterfly child,’ evokes the image of beautiful nature marvels, which connects to the cycle of life celebrated in Shintoism. With such amazing connections and deep-rooted meanings, these Shinto baby names look like a good fit for any baby. Below, we have listed the most common and popular Shinto names for you to select from. Take a look and pick a favorite.

heart image Chizue Baby Girl Sign Girl Long life; Endurance; Durability
heart image Cho Baby Girl Sign Girl Butterfly
heart image Chouko Baby Girl Sign Girl Butterfly; an insect that feeds on nectar of flowers
heart image Giichi Baby Boy Sign Boy One rule; The righteous one
heart image Gin Baby Boy Sign Boy Silver
heart image Ginjiro Baby Boy Sign Boy Good silver
heart image Gringamore Baby Boy Sign Boy A person who is not American; A person from Latin America who is settled in America.
heart image Guha Baby Boy Sign Boy Cave or heart
heart image Guillem Baby Boy Sign Boy A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved
heart image Hagrama Baby Boy Sign Boy Dense forest; Thick woodland area; Opaque Jungle
heart image Halbert Baby Boy Sign Boy Shining jewel; Dazzling hero
heart image Haleena Baby Girl Sign Girl Of the light
heart image Hashan Baby Boy Sign Boy Laughter; Lord Chandra (Moon)
heart image Hauba Baby Girl Sign Girl A person's individual soul
heart image Havard Baby Boy Sign Boy High guardian
heart image Hewitt Baby Boy Sign Boy Little smart one
heart image Hilbrand Baby Boy Sign Boy Sword used in battles
heart image Hildeth Baby Girl Sign Girl She who gives good battle counsel
heart image Huzayma Baby Boy Sign Boy He is a firm believer
heart image Jabal Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who glides away
heart image Jabez Baby Boy Sign Boy Sorrow
heart image Janiett Baby Girl Sign Girl God is gracious
heart image Japesa Baby Boy Sign Boy Lord of those who recite
heart image Japsher Baby Boy Sign Boy A lion
heart image Jennet Baby Girl Sign Girl Heaven-sent individual
heart image Jeremi Baby Boy Sign Boy Refers to Jeremy
heart image Jereth Baby Boy Sign Boy A combination of Jar or Jer and Gareth
heart image Jorden Baby Boy Sign Boy To descend; To flow down
heart image Josephin Baby Girl Sign Girl May God give
heart image Joshita Baby Girl Sign Girl Pleased
heart image Kale Baby Boy Sign Boy Affectionate; Calm
heart image Kalpanath Baby Boy Sign Boy Imagination, idea
heart image Kalvik Baby Boy Sign Boy Sparrow
heart image Kana Baby Girl Sign Girl Powerful
heart image Kaushik Baby Boy Sign Boy The feeling of love
heart image Kayilai Baby Boy Sign Boy The place where God Sivan resides
heart image Kayliana Baby Girl Sign Girl Pure one; Summer forest
heart image Kei Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Square jewel; Blessing; Wise; Respect; Excellence
heart image Sora Baby Girl Sign Girl Sky; Conch shell; Heaven; Gravel
heart image Souji Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is a general director
heart image Souta Baby Boy Sign Boy A sudden sound of the wind; Thick; Great
heart image Subaru Unisex Baby Sign Unisex One who is uniting; A term identifying the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation Taurus
heart image Sueko Baby Girl Sign Girl She who is the youngest child in the family
heart image Suguru Baby Boy Sign Boy An eminent person
heart image Suki Baby Girl Sign Girl A beloved woman
heart image Sumiko Baby Girl Sign Girl She is a beautiful child of goodness
heart image Sumire Baby Girl Sign Girl A lovely violet
heart image Sushi Baby Girl Sign Girl A Japanese dish of vinegared rice
heart image Suzu Baby Boy Sign Boy A man who lives long
heart image Suzuki Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A common surname in Japan; Bell of wood
heart image Tadaaki Baby Boy Sign Boy Faithful light
heart image Tadashi Baby Boy Sign Boy Good; Virtous; Loyalty; Devotion
heart image Taichi Baby Boy Sign Boy Means a thick or big one
heart image Taiga Baby Boy Sign Boy Big; Bud; Gracious
heart image Taiki Baby Boy Sign Boy Big, great tree; Full of brightness
heart image Taji Baby Boy Sign Boy The yellow and silver color
heart image Taka Baby Girl Sign Girl Tall; Honorable peregrine
heart image Takahiro Baby Boy Sign Boy Abundantly respectful and loving
heart image Takai Baby Boy Sign Boy The next world
heart image Takako Baby Girl Sign Girl Child who is an aristocrat
heart image Takara Baby Girl Sign Girl Beloved jewel; Treasure
heart image Takarra Baby Girl Sign Girl Precious item; Precious one
heart image Takashi Baby Boy Sign Boy Prosperous; Noble
heart image Takato Baby Boy Sign Boy Precious measure of exaltation
heart image Takaya Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has much respect for someone
heart image Takeo Baby Boy Sign Boy Warrior; One who fights for his kingdom
heart image Taki Baby Girl Sign Girl Plunging waterfall
heart image Taku Baby Boy Sign Boy Young; Living just for a little time yet
heart image Takuma Baby Boy Sign Boy An open truth
heart image Tamaki Baby Boy Sign Boy A boy who is a true gem
heart image Tamami Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is a beautiful gem or jewel
heart image Tamashini Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A soul; One who is very soulful
heart image Tamiko Baby Girl Sign Girl A child of great beauty
heart image Tamiqua Baby Girl Sign Girl People
heart image Tamura Baby Girl Sign Girl Japanese name meaning rice village
heart image Taney Baby Girl Sign Girl Japanese name meaning valley
heart image Taree Baby Girl Sign Girl A branch that is bending
heart image Taro Baby Boy Sign Boy Great son
heart image Tarou Baby Boy Sign Boy A big son
heart image Tatsuo Baby Girl Sign Girl A female dragon
heart image Tatsuya Baby Boy Sign Boy Sign of the dragon
heart image Taura Baby Girl Sign Girl Many lakes; Rivers
heart image Teijo Baby Boy Sign Boy A righteous Boy
heart image Tetsuya Baby Boy Sign Boy An intelligent philosopher

Shinto baby names are straightforward and elegant choices inspired by the Shinto religion. These names are unique and have significant meanings and interesting concepts that pique curiosity. They are often derived from many essential aspects of the faith, like the elements of nature, spirituality, and deities. If you are a parent interested in the Shinto culture and beliefs, then choosing these names would be a great way to appreciate the culture and its values and traditions. Whether you choose these names for their uniqueness or meanings, they will leave a good impression on your little one.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do Shinto baby names typically mean or symbolize?

Shinto baby names usually have meanings or symbols connected to nature, such as Cho, meaning ‘butterfly,’ virtue names, such as Guha, meaning ’a delightful person,’ and spiritual names, such as Hashan, denoting Lord Chandra (moon). These names show a strong respect for nature and the spiritual beliefs followed in Shintoism.

2. What is the significance of a baby’s name in Shintoism, and how does it affect their life or destiny?

In Shintoism, baby names often carry a spiritual significance which is believed to mold their destiny and identity. Since the naming ceremony is held under the guidance of a priest, the name is said to invite good energy and blessing for the baby. Moreover, with the involvement of the elderly members in the ceremony, Shinto names also strengthen the family lineage.


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  1. Shinto- A Japanese religion.
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