182 Zoroastrianism Baby Names With Meanings


Zoroastrianism baby names have positive meanings, which makes them an excellent choice in baby names. If you need some help in coming up with a Zoroastrian name for your child, you’ve landed at the right place. Zoroastrian culture believes in a supreme being known as Ahura Mazda. He is the singular deity in the culture who represents benevolence and wisdom. Zoroastrianism follows the teachings of the Persian prophet Zoroaster, also known as Zarathushtra, meaning ‘shining light’ (1). Zoroastrian names reflect this faith’s knowledge and enduring beliefs. These names, rooted in the ancient religion, align with virtues and ideals such as truth, purity, and righteousness. The Zoroastrians view the birth of a child as beneficial to the community and the qualities associated with Zoroaster himself. Before you explore the unique names, let’s acquaint you a bit with the Zoroastrian naming tradition. The Zoroastrians do not have any formal baby naming ceremony. They believe that the newborn’s destiny is marked in the heavens on the sixth day after birth. They place a sheet of paper, pen, ink, red powder, and coconut near the mother’s bed. It’s on the same day; a name is selected for the baby. The Zoroastrian baby names can either be derived from the Avesta or inspired by the late heroes of Sahnama or from a relative whose qualities parents want their child to imbibe. Cultural practices surrounding Zoroastrian names also emphasize familial and communal ties. Elders often play a pivotal role in suggesting names that align with the child’s destiny and spiritual path. This intergenerational exchange fosters a sense of continuity and respect for the ancestors. Furthermore, Zoroastrian names also celebrate natural elements and celestial bodies, which are integral to the faith’s cosmology. In modern times, these names have evolved to encompass a wider range of options. While traditional names continue to hold sway, parents may also choose names that reflect their contemporary values. We have researched hard to bring a comprehensive list of Zoroastrian baby names to you. All you have to do is ensure that you select the exact spelling of the name, as even a slight variation can change the meaning of a name.

heart image Aardburzin Baby Boy Sign Boy Fire of exaltation; It's also the name of the son of the hero Framroz
heart image Abadun Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who is subordinated as a servant; A slave to God
heart image Abarja Baby Boy Sign Boy Something that is extremely strenuous
heart image Abtum Baby Boy Sign Boy The creator of plentiful waters
heart image Adarbad Baby Boy Sign Boy Protector of fire
heart image Adarfiroz Baby Boy Sign Boy Fire of victory in Zoroastrian religion
heart image Adarfra Baby Boy Sign Boy The fire of glory in Zoroastrian religion
heart image Adargushnasp Baby Boy Sign Boy Fire dedicated to a war stallion; An emblem of military strength
heart image Adarhoshang Baby Boy Sign Boy The fire of knowledge and intelligence
heart image Adarmard Baby Boy Sign Boy A man with extreme power
heart image Adarvan Baby Boy Sign Boy The protector of fire
heart image Adorbad Baby Boy Sign Boy A form of the religious writings of the Zarathushti religion.
heart image Advi Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who needs no protection; Self-sufficient
heart image Aflatun Baby Boy Sign Boy A person who is mighty and powerful
heart image Ahumstut Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who prays the Ahu(nvar), which is Yatha Ahu Vairyo
heart image Ahun Baby Boy Sign Boy Of God; Pertaining to God
heart image Anaar Baby Boy Sign Boy Light and radiance; Glow; Bright; A variant of this name is Anar; Pomegranate
heart image Anahita Baby Boy Sign Boy Full of Grace; Graceful; Elegant; Beautiful; Refined; Lovely
heart image Andya Baby Boy Sign Boy Little angel; Pure girl; A variant name of Andia
heart image Anjuman Baby Boy Sign Boy Place of gathering; Committee; Council
heart image Anosh Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Everlasting; Immortal; Elixir
heart image Anoshiruvan Baby Boy Sign Boy One having an immortal soul
heart image Anoush Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Everlasting; Immortal; Never Ending
heart image Anousha Baby Boy Sign Boy Sweet; Joy; Fortunate; A variant of name Anoush
heart image Aoshnar Baby Boy Sign Boy A man of intellect; A variant of this name is Aoshanara
heart image Arasti Baby Boy Sign Boy Adorned
heart image Arawaostra Baby Boy Sign Boy One who possesses a white stallion
heart image Ardafravash Baby Boy Sign Boy The name of the holy spirit guardian in Zoroastrian religion
heart image Ardakhoreh Baby Boy Sign Boy A boy with holy and divine luster
heart image Ardaviraf Baby Boy Sign Boy The holy resplendent hero
heart image Ardvan Baby Boy Sign Boy The protector of holiness
heart image Ardvisura Baby Girl Sign Girl Brilliant waters
heart image Ardwahisht Baby Boy Sign Boy Best holiness; One of the seven archangels
heart image Aredetfredhi Baby Girl Sign Girl The one having a righteous father or the mother of a future savior
heart image Aref Baby Boy Sign Boy Knowing; Knowledgeable; Wise; Intelligent; Sage
heart image Arenavachi Baby Girl Sign Girl One who always speaks the truth
heart image Arif Baby Boy Sign Boy Knowing; Knowledgeable; Wise; Intelligent; Sage
heart image Armaiti Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman filled with humility, piety and devotion; An archangel.
heart image Armani Baby Girl Sign Girl Warrior; Army man
heart image Armindokht Baby Girl Sign Girl Daughter of garden; Eden's dweller
heart image Arsha Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Man; Prayer Ceremony; From the Rishis
heart image Arsham Baby Boy Sign Boy Very powerful; Very strong; Name of Dariush's grandfather
heart image Arshama Baby Boy Sign Boy A man with the might of a hero
heart image Arsia Baby Girl Sign Girl Throne; One who is worthy of a throne; A variant of the name Arshiya
heart image Artavardiya Baby Boy Sign Boy The doer of justice; One of the generals of Darius
heart image Artdokht Baby Girl Sign Girl A righteous and obeying daughter
heart image Artin Baby Boy Sign Boy Righteous; Pure or Holy; Name of a Median king
heart image Aryenish Baby Girl Sign Girl A girl belonging to a noble lineage
heart image Asman Baby Boy Sign Boy The Sky; Highest Heaven nearer to earth
heart image Aspandad Baby Boy Sign Boy Earth; Bountiful humility; The name of an angel
heart image Aspi Baby Boy Sign Boy One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
heart image Atal Baby Boy Sign Boy Hero; Leader; Guide
heart image Atbin Baby Boy Sign Boy Of water; Father of king Faridoon
heart image Babak Baby Boy Sign Boy One with the young father; A satisfied person
heart image Bahmanbanu Baby Girl Sign Girl A lady with a good mind and intellect
heart image Bahramchobin Baby Boy Sign Boy One having a victorious club; The name of a celebrated Iranian general
heart image Bakhtafrit Baby Boy Sign Boy A man blessed with plentiful fortune
heart image Banu Baby Boy Sign Boy Rays of the sun
heart image Banugushnasp Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who possesses a male horse.
heart image Bostan Baby Girl Sign Girl A place filled with fragrance; Garden; The name of a book by Sheikh Saadi
heart image Chakhravat Baby Boy Sign Boy The one possessing a chariot.
heart image Chubin Baby Boy Sign Boy One having a wooden club; Bat or mace; Nickname of the famous General Bahram of King Khusru Parvez who had a wooden club
heart image Dadafarin Baby Boy Sign Boy The one created by justice
heart image Dadbandad Baby Boy Sign Boy One who always conforms to the rules and regulations
heart image Dadburzin Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has been exalted by the law
heart image Dadhush Baby Girl Sign Girl Someone who is born intelligent
heart image Darazdast Baby Boy Sign Boy Long handed
heart image Delafruz Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is capable of kindling the heart
heart image Delbahar Baby Girl Sign Girl The heart of the spring season
heart image Delbar Baby Girl Sign Girl Charming; Enticing; One who captivates hearts
heart image Dinaz Baby Girl Sign Girl A religious song or music
heart image Dinbanu Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is extremely attached to her faith
heart image Dravasp Baby Boy Sign Boy One who owns healthy horses; It's the name of an angel to whom Yasht IX is dedicated
heart image Erezwa Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is holy and righteous
heart image Fardad Baby Boy Sign Boy A man endowed with splendor
heart image Faredun Baby Boy Sign Boy Thrice strong
heart image Farnaza Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is learned and intelligent
heart image Farnbag Baby Boy Sign Boy God's glory; The first sacred fire of Sassanian Iran
heart image Farrokh Baby Boy Sign Boy A happy and fortunate man
heart image Farshad Baby Boy Sign Boy A soul of the Mercury's sphere
heart image Farud Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is descending
heart image Ferangiz Baby Girl Sign Girl One with dazzling glory
heart image Ferdows Baby Boy Sign Boy He is like a paradise
heart image Freny Baby Girl Sign Girl A person who is loved by all; Zaratushtra's daughter
heart image Gaodhasti Baby Boy Sign Boy One who maintains animals
heart image Gashtaham Baby Boy Sign Boy Very strong; Name of King Naodar's valiant son
heart image Gelshah Baby Boy Sign Boy King of the Earth; Variant of Gayomard
heart image Goharafrid Baby Girl Sign Girl One created meticulously by nature
heart image Gordafrid Baby Girl Sign Girl A person created as a hero
heart image Gordieh Baby Girl Sign Girl The strong and mighty woman warrior
heart image Govad Baby Boy Sign Boy The name of an angel presiding over wind; The name of the 22nd day of each month
heart image Gulandam Baby Girl Sign Girl Having the form like a flower; Slender and delicate
heart image Gulchehr Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman having a countenance like a rose
heart image Habub Baby Boy Sign Boy One having good animals or cows; The family name of Jamasp
heart image Hakhamanish Baby Boy Sign Boy One with a friendly mind; The name of the fifth ancestor of Darius the Great
heart image Haurvatat Baby Girl Sign Girl Health; Perfection; Wholeness
heart image Homayun Baby Girl Sign Girl Royal, fortunate
heart image Hormazbanu Baby Girl Sign Girl A lady bearing the name of the Almighty.
heart image Hufriya Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman having much love in her heart
heart image Hutosh Baby Girl Sign Girl Well-formed
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Zoroastrian baby names are far more than mere labels; they are vessels of tradition, culture, and spirituality. Each name is carefully chosen to imbue the child with positive qualities from the outset of life. These names bridge generations, embody values, and signify the connection between the individual and the faith. As Zoroastrianism perseveres in an ever-changing world, these names remain steadfast symbols of its enduring legacy and firm beliefs. This cultural symbolism inspires the above-given names, providing unique identities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Zoroastrian baby names be given to children of any nationality or race?

Yes, people from any country or background can use Zoroastrian baby names for their children. The unique sound and significance of these names may appeal to a diverse population, and they may adapt these names if they value the culture’s beliefs and the meaning of the name aligns with their beliefs. The choice of name is a personal preference, and people may pick any of their choice.

2. What are some popular themes or symbols found in Zoroastrian baby names?

Zoroastrian baby names may share different symbolic themes such as nature, for example, Iraj (wind-borne or flower) and Kokab (star), and divine qualities, for example, Vahbiz (one bestowed by God). They may also reflect ancient Persian heritage influence through names such as Andya, meaning angel, and Arsha, meaning man.


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