245 Baby Names That Mean First


Choosing a meaningful and symbolic name for your baby is a cherished task. However, among the choices, baby names meaning first, hold a special charm. They encompass myriad affirmative attributes, such as audacious leadership, groundbreaking innovation, and unwavering ambition. For parents yearning for their child to be a trailblazer or a trendsetter, a name denoting 'first' could be a perfect choice. These names boast intricate and deeply entrenched historical and cultural roots, adding profound significance to your child's identity.

Opting for a name that encapsulates the concept of 'first' bestows a notion of new beginnings and limitless potential. These names exude an irresistible aura of originality and meaning that resonates throughout your baby's lifetime. Whether drawn to the elegance of Italian nomenclature, the spiritual connotations of Hebrew etymology, the melodic allure of Arabic appellations, or the charm of English designations, the vast repertoire of names signifying 'first' offers endless options.

Names steeped in the essence of 'first' often emanate from diverse languages and cultures, each exuding an enchanting allure and positive connotations. These names proffer an exquisite choice if you desire your child to embody an amalgamation of inspiring qualities.

We have curated an exquisitely diverse collection of baby names, all united by the common thread of signifying 'first.' Whether you prefer the grandeur of time-honored appellations steeped in historical provenance or the allure of innovative modern twists that pay homage to the captivating concept of primacy, our list presents a treasure trove of options for you to explore. This meticulously curated list caters to various tastes and preferences, from the revered classics that have withstood the march of time to the bold and unconventional choices that venture into uncharted territory.

heart image Aada Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble; A noble one; Adornment; The firstborn
heart image Aadhan Baby Boy Sign Boy Be First
heart image Aadhev Baby Boy Sign Boy First; Most eminent; Exalted
heart image Aadhinarayanan Baby Boy Sign Boy The First God; A name form of Lord Vishnu
heart image Aadhya Baby Girl Sign Girl The first power; The beginning; Another name of goddess Durga
heart image Aadi Baby Boy Sign Boy First; Most Important,Beginning; Starting; Source form of life
heart image Aadidev Baby Boy Sign Boy First of God; The one closest to the almighty
heart image Aadijay Baby Boy Sign Boy The first victory; Success
heart image Aadinath Baby Boy Sign Boy God; Supreme Ruler of the Universe; The First God
heart image Aadishri Baby Girl Sign Girl First; More important; Eminent
heart image Aadishwar Baby Boy Sign Boy Bhagvan; Supreme god; First Jain Tirthankara
heart image Aadya Baby Girl Sign Girl The first; Mother Earth; Name of goddess Durga
heart image Aahana Baby Girl Sign Girl Inner light; Immortal; First rays of the sun
heart image Aarash Baby Boy Sign Boy The first ray of the sun
heart image Aarashi Baby Girl Sign Girl First ray of sun; Something new
heart image Aarish Baby Boy Sign Boy First Ray of Sun
heart image Aarunya Baby Boy Sign Boy Sunshine; First rays of the sun; Radiance or brightness of the sun
heart image Aarush Baby Boy Sign Boy First ray of sun; Sunshine; Radiance or brightness of the sun
heart image Aarusha Baby Girl Sign Girl First rays of the morning sun which are life-giving
heart image Aarushi Baby Girl Sign Girl First rays of the sun; Bright, brilliant, and radiant rays of the Sun; Early morning sunshine
heart image Aatherv Baby Boy Sign Boy The name of the first Veda
heart image Aavani Baby Girl Sign Girl The first month of the Tamil calendar
heart image Abcde Baby Girl Sign Girl First five letters of the English alphabet
heart image Abdulawwal Baby Boy Sign Boy Slave to the first one
heart image Abiba Baby Girl Sign Girl The first child born after death of grandmother; Abeaba and Abeabah are the variant spellings of Abiba
heart image Abiola Baby Boy Sign Boy Born in Honor; Born during the first days
heart image Abkar Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is born first; Who is on time
heart image Abubakr Baby Boy Sign Boy The father or the owner of a young camel; The companion of Prophet Muhammad; The first Caliph of Muslim
heart image Acacio Baby Boy Sign Boy The lord holds adam - the first man
heart image Ada Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble; First-born girl
heart image Adamo Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of red Earth; First man to come to life
heart image Adaobi Baby Girl Sign Girl The first daughter in the family compound
heart image Adelise Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is the first in nobility
heart image Adenya Baby Boy Sign Boy First; Winner; Highest quality
heart image Adharva Baby Boy Sign Boy The first of all vedas; Lord Ganesha
heart image Adhaya Baby Girl Sign Girl The first creator or the first power
heart image Adhiguna Baby Boy Sign Boy The first or the most important quality
heart image Adhikavi Baby Boy Sign Boy First poet; A variant of the name Adikavi
heart image Adhya Baby Boy Sign Boy First power; Sunday
heart image Adi Baby Boy Sign Boy The first or foremost; Primeval
heart image Adidaitya Baby Boy Sign Boy The primary or the first evil or demon
heart image Adideva Baby Boy Sign Boy The first or primary Lord
heart image Adika Baby Boy Sign Boy The first child of the second husband
heart image Adikavi Baby Boy Sign Boy First poet
heart image Adikurma Baby Boy Sign Boy The first or original tortoise
heart image Adimurti Baby Boy Sign Boy The primary or first idol; Lord Vishnu
heart image Adinarayana Baby Boy Sign Boy Lord Vishnu; The first protector of the beings; A derivative of Adinarayan
heart image Adinatha Baby Boy Sign Boy The first or primary Lord; Lord Vishnu
heart image Adiputera Baby Boy Sign Boy A first son or first prince
heart image Adiputeri Baby Girl Sign Girl First daughter or princess
heart image Adiraja Baby Boy Sign Boy The first king of a dynasty
heart image Adisankara Baby Boy Sign Boy The first prosperity of happiness
heart image Adishvar Baby Boy Sign Boy The primal Lord; The first Lord
heart image Aditha Baby Girl Sign Girl The first root
heart image Afafa Baby Girl Sign Girl The first child of the second husband
heart image Agamik Baby Boy Sign Boy First
heart image Agnibahu Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of first Manu
heart image Agrajeeta Baby Boy Sign Boy The first win or the leader's win
heart image Agrani Baby Boy Sign Boy Always first; Best; Of the highest quality, Status and importance
heart image Agrapina Baby Girl Sign Girl A girl who is born feet first
heart image Agreni Baby Boy Sign Boy Always first
heart image Agreya Baby Girl Sign Girl First
heart image Agrim Baby Boy Sign Boy Leader; First; Commander; Guide and Director; Chief-in-charge
heart image Agripina Baby Girl Sign Girl A variant of Agrapina; One who is born feet first
heart image Agriya Baby Boy Sign Boy First Best; one who is the best in everything
heart image Ahaan Baby Boy Sign Boy Auspicious dawn; Morning glory; First ray of light; The beginning or rise of anything
heart image Ahan Baby Boy Sign Boy Auspicious dawn; Morning glory; First ray of light; The beginning or rise of anything; A variant of name Ahaan
heart image Aklima Baby Girl Sign Girl The first step
heart image Allula Baby Girl Sign Girl The first leap
heart image Aloula Baby Girl Sign Girl The first leapers full of quick, enlightened and ambitious mindset
heart image Alsatia Baby Girl Sign Girl A rare first name derived from Alsace - a region in France
heart image Alula Unisex Baby Sign Unisex First born
heart image Anavi Baby Girl Sign Girl Peace Loving; Kind To People; First Ray Of Sun; Goddess Durga; Good Looking Eyes
heart image Andranik Baby Boy Sign Boy First born child; Progressive; Positive thinking
heart image Antonella Baby Girl Sign Girl Priceless; First born
heart image Antranig Baby Boy Sign Boy First-born child
heart image Apiyo Baby Girl Sign Girl First of the twins
heart image Aristi Baby Girl Sign Girl Excellence; The firstborn
heart image Arulappan Baby Boy Sign Boy First ray of Sun falling on Earth; natural leader
heart image Arushan Baby Boy Sign Boy First rays of morning sun; Dawn; Sun rays; Red radiant light from the sun
heart image Ashvin Baby Boy Sign Boy Light; The first star in the evening sky; Name of the divine twins; Considered to be the Lord of Vision
heart image Ashvini Baby Girl Sign Girl Name of the first nakshatra in Hindu mythology
heart image Ashwani Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of the Sun Lord; A cavalier; Son of the star Ashwin; First star in evening sky
heart image Ashwanth Baby Boy Sign Boy Horse; The talent; Son of the star Ashwin; First star in evening sky
heart image Ashwini Baby Boy Sign Boy Cavalier; Possessor of horses; First star in sky; Light
heart image Asvin Baby Boy Sign Boy Cavalier; Possessor of horses; First star in the sky; Light
heart image Aswinikumar Baby Boy Sign Boy Cavalier; Possessor of horses; First star in the sky; Light
heart image Avak Baby Boy Sign Boy The first one who has a great personality
heart image Avaya Baby Boy Sign Boy The first born who is the purest of all
heart image Avya Baby Boy Sign Boy The very first life form in this world that was all knowledgeable and all pure
heart image Aydia Baby Girl Sign Girl The noble one who is also the first born female
heart image Ayita Baby Girl Sign Girl First To Dance
heart image Ayu Baby Boy Sign Boy The first man who has the power of the wind
heart image Baako Baby Boy Sign Boy The first-born child in the family
heart image Badriyah Baby Girl Sign Girl An early and firstborn child
heart image Barron Baby Boy Sign Boy Warrior; The title of nobility used as a first name; From the land that was burned
heart image Bekir Baby Boy Sign Boy First Born
heart image Bere Baby Girl Sign Girl First daughter of the family
heart image Berko Baby Boy Sign Boy First born son
heart image Bikr Baby Boy Sign Boy First-born; Eldest
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Baby names meaning first combine notions of starting anew and having lots of possibilities, symbolizing new beginnings and unexplored paths. These remarkable names carrying deep meanings will stay with your child as they grow. Originating from different languages like Italian, Hebrew, Arabic, and English, you may explore a variety of choices for names meaning ‘first.’ These names have a powerful impact and can help infuse your child's life with the long-lasting importance of beginnings and the desire for good things in the future, paving the way for a meaningful and successful journey ahead.

Infographic: Beautiful Baby Names That Signify First

Nothing signifies a new beginning as much as the birth of a baby. So it's natural to look for names that mean 'first.' The arrival of this cute family member also ushers in a new and exciting journey for parents. So if you've been searching for names that express this new chapter in your life, check out this infographic.

delicate and lovely baby names meaning first (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can baby names that mean ‘first’ also convey other positive traits such as leadership, initiative, or innovation?

Baby names meaning ‘first’ can also suggest other admirable qualities like confidence, leadership, and a positive attitude. Though the meaning of such names normally conveys the first or beginning of something new, they can also represent admirable qualities leaders and visionaries possess, such as hard work and dedication.

2. Are there any famous people or characters with baby names that mean ‘first’?

Many famous personalities and fictional characters have names that mean ‘first.’ Some include Adam, the first man created by God in the Bible, Saint Primus, a prominent religious personality who embraced martyrdom during the Diocletian persecution, and Optimus Prime, the fictional leader of Autobots in the Transformers franchise.

3. Can a baby name that means ‘first’ be perceived as too presumptuous or arrogant?

Depending on the cultural and societal context in which it is used, a baby name that means ‘first’ may be interpreted as arrogant. A name can have a subjective impression, and various people may interpret it differently. A name that means ‘first’ may be seen as bold and assertive by some but boastful or self-centered by others. Hence, iut's crucial to consider the overall impression that the name could convey and how it fits with cultural and personal customs.

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